February 18, 2,002
Trouble And More Trouble!
When The Dark Ones strike they strike hot and heavy! They are obviously resisting Muhammed moving Islam to Fargo. I got word Friday the restaurant where I work is up for sale! It came as a surprise to everyone, and we don't know exactly why it's happening. Of course if it's sold, you don't know if the new employer's going to keep the old crew or not, and you don't know if they're going to keep the same hours, and, the same pay rate. Everything that we had so carefully planned is in total disarray! I was just about to start placing some ads in newspapers for Muhammed, thinking we could squeeze out a little bit and still pay Linda's medical bills. But not a prayer of that, now! Every cent is going to have to be saved. If I am laid off, or, if my hours are cut to such a level that I can no longer sustain our residence, we may have to cancel our phone, our cable, and, our internet just to get enough to keep going. If we go on unemployment we will definitely have to do this. There is a possibility I could get some work in another city named Jamestown, about 90 miles away. But Muhammed is irate about the idea of me moving until I have his project underway.
Jesus wants me to move back to Valley City, which is about 60 miles away, where He says I will do my greatest Work, where I will save mankind, and, the world. But as of yet, there's no glimmer of a job opportunity there. On top of this, our friend Jesse, who has a house in Valley City, which we were depending on as a back up, should something happen and we have to move out of Fargo, may be losing his house. He got deeply in debt with the natural gas rip off last year, and got behind in his bills, and is having a great deal of difficulty recovering. On top of this, we have Linda's medical problems, which are not completely taken care of, and my medical problems that haven't even been started to be taken care of! We were counting on the steady, dependable income from this job, to keep everything rolling. These are the finest bosses I've ever worked for! Their restaurant is more like a church than a place of employment. The vibrations are so good there most of the time, that I am able to communicate and work with Those in The Afterlife during the day, and bring Linda up to speed when I get home. If this place becomes the usual restaurant atmosphere, with blaring radios and screaming, angry cooks and waitresses, it may be impossible for me to continue my religious Work. Having this job during this crisis has made it possible for us to work with John Lennon, and save mankind. Without it we do not know how we will be able to continue functioning.
We will keep you advised of the situation, and hopefully, The Powers Of The Light will prevail. I've told Muhammed if he wants to reestablish Islam here, he's going to have to get me at least a thousand loyal Islamic followers, each with at least a moderate income. It is going to take a great deal of money to complete the project he wants. Muhammed says some way, somehow, he will get the people here. I hope his faith isn't broken.
The Work on the George Harrison Book continues at a rapid pace. We now have 51 8 1/2 by 11 single spaced pages. I don't know how many that would be in your average paperback! We are working on an index of subjects to put in the back of the book, so people can look up things they're interested in, and see what George has to say about them in The Afterlife. We will be putting this index online. The address will be below. This index has not been finished yet. We've worked on it for two days and only got about halfway through. Linda will refresh it each week, so you can see what new subjects have been added. So keep coming back! We've edited 142 questions, thusfar.
George still wants input. Anyone who sends us questions that we use will have their name, their radio station, and city, mentioned. Our friend Jesse has been providing some interesting questions about his people, The Aesir, and other topics. But George wants more! Check out the Index. Send some questions! He really wants to know what YOU want to know about. There have been some who want us to email them pages. We cannot do that. George does not want the book put on line, not right now, anyway. He wants a real, hard cover, and then paperback edition. This is an incredible dialogue! George has assembled a staff of Experts, individuals from every Faith, and They are working very hard to create a good Work that will help a lot of people. Try to help a little bit?
Got a question that came in. Where The Olympic problem has been resolved, are Those in The Afterlife watching again? The answer is yes! They're still not happy the Russians kept their medal. They do not think they won it. But the agreed upon solution is acceptable to them. When you can't get what you want, sometimes you have to settle for the next best thing. At least fairness took place!
We are still having trouble absorbing all the power Muhammed is sending. Of course we're taking as much as we can in Fargo, but it's simply too much, so we're dispersing it throughout The United States to Islamic communities here. It is an incredible phenomena and we can't imagine how these new circumstances are happening when Muhammed is pouring so much energy into the area. Mecca and Messina are degrading at exactly the rate we predicted, and will go into negative flow the day we predicted in a previous email. We continue to fight but no one, absolutely no one, expected the phenomena that is happening now, that we would be fighting to get Jesus back on His Throne, and to save all of mankind! These are the strangest of times but the battle goes on!
Well, that's all for today. We hope we can get back to you with some good news, in a short time. But things do NOT look too promising right now.