People have asked "What would be the newspaper ad Muhammed wants us to place?" Well, it's a blockbuster! It's below. You can judge for yourself how angry he is. Sometimes you just can't reason with prophets! You can't tell Them that people aren't going to believe any more, that they aren't going to listen, that they're simply going to laugh and keep right on doing what they want to do. But Prophets still believe, they remember when the people cared, when the people believed, and when they listened. Muhammed still believes, he still believes his true followers are out there, and that they will do his will, that they will do The Will Of God, that he can make a difference. We can only give his message to the world, and hope and pray that his belief is not in vain, that there are still some that will follow and save their brothers and sisters. These are the darkest times the world has ever faced, but the Lights that shine still shine. Those that believe in man still believe. If only they still believed in them there might be hope yet! Muhammed is a dreamer. Let him keep dreaming.
February 19, 2,002
An Edict From The Kingdom Of God From Muhammed, The Prophet Of Islam
To All Who Follow Islam And All The World
I come to you this day to give you news from God, from The Holiest Of All, from The Greatest That Is, from Him That All Men Worship And Should Obey. Because of their evil, because they follow the ways of man and not The Ways Of God, because they fund those who teach lies and hate, because they fund those who murder women and children in The Name Of God, I have removed from the leaders of Mecca all power, all glory, and all authority to speak in The Name Of God. I have also removed from their cities all power, all glory and all strength. They are now not places of Light, but they are now places of Death. Only The Darkness dwells there, only foulness walks in their streets, only the doomed visit them, for they are now unholy and defiled places.
I have transferred all of God's Power, all of God's Glory that was once The Glory And Wonder Of Mecca And Medina to another place, to Fargo, North Dakota, in The United States Of America, and I now, with the authority and power of God make that place The Seat Of Islam, the place of its Truth, the place of its Power, the place of its Glory. I leave in Medina, and, Mecca, nothing. God forsakes them. He picks up the dust from their streets, spits upon it, and throws it down. They were once His hope and dream. They are now His nightmare and curse. Only the new place I have declared is God's Hope now, is God's Promise now, because the one dwells there who truly serves Him, the one who is called by man Speaker Gerald Polley, and who is called by The Islamic People in Paradise, The Voice Of The Prophets. Unto him I give all rule of Islam, I give all of God's Power, all of God's Glory. He is The Voice Of Islam, he is The Authority Of Islam. I recognize no one else, I give Power to no one else. God gives Power to no one else.
I command all who follow Islam to rally to him, to go to the place where he dwells, and help him undo what the evil ones have done, in The Name Of God. I order them to establish a great Islamic community in Fargo, North Dakota, and build for me there, a great mosque, which will be The Seat Of God's Power On Earth, and the new capitol of Islam among man. Any that do this will be blessed by God. Any that do not, will be cursed by God and will not enter Paradise. There is no either/or, this is God's command, through His Prophet and those who will not obey God's Prophet suffer God's punishment.
This is the end of my Edict. This is the end of God's message. Listen and believe, and enter into Paradise. Listen not, reject, and be damned forever, and have your mothers moan for you forever. Let God be with you and do God's Will.
Yours In The Service Of He Who Rules Paradise, Now And Forever,
Muhammed, Called The Prophet
There are many important subjects on our web site. Perhaps one of the most important is our leaflet on sacrifice. It explains this difficult subject according to Spiritist principles. I once got an email from an individual that said for some years he had ignored the problems of sacrifice, but after reading my material he knew it was something that he would have to now raise objections to. "It has never been made so clear to me," he commented, "that the shedding of innocent blood should not be permitted. I thank you for making this known, and please continue to make such things as this known." We hope we will always be able to. We wish we could make things better known. Check out the leaflet on sacrifice. Feel free to spread the information. Many need to understand this important issue.
**This issue of Voices From Spirit is now off line. It will be replaced soon at a new location.**