Kingdom Of God very upset with the so-called campaign finance reform law. They consider it a direct attack on free speech, trying to keep people from running ads against senators whose philosophies they don't like. We cannot correct the American political system by taking away the peoples' right to speak out. They know campaign finance reform is difficult, but They are totally against this type of philosophy, or, government funding of political campaigns, which will mean the politicians will be picking the candidates, and the people will have no rights, whatsoever.
On another matter, The Kingdom Of God is against The United States Military spreading lies in the anti terror campaign. Come on, fellas, you've got plenty of Truth, you don't have to resort to falsity. Tell people what's going on, what The Dark Forces are doing, but don't come down to their level. Don't start behaving like them. Of course we know any good military uses some disinformation, makes it look like they're going to attack one place, when they're actually going to attack someplace else. This isn't exactly lying. But aside from that, let's keep the Truth. Things will go much better!
Linda had a great interview yesterday with CFRB in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Modern technology is so incredible! Several of our associates were listening, and on the phone talking with each other at the same time, marveling at how well Linda did. Then they called Linda telling how happy they were that they could hear her and how great she did. The news of John Lennon's Work is spreading, but it needs to spread more. he wants to help Muhammed in his Cause, and it all takes financing.
Am going to try to find out today how much it would cost to run Muhammed's ad in some American newspapers to give you an idea of the need. Let you know what we find out.
Sadly The Kingdom Of God has to speak out on the situation where a woman is on trial for drowning her children. They know that there are those who would like to make excuses for this woman's actions, give her pity and compassion, send her to a mental institution rather than a prison. But The Kingdom Of God cannot condone these feelings. This woman committed the most heinous of all acts. She murdered her own flesh and blood. If it is proven that she did so she should, without question, be given a merciful death. There is no other penalty acceptable, in the Kingdom Of God's eyes, for such a horrible crime! The killing of one's own children is unforgivable, no matter what the psychological rigmarol that modern people have come up with, a mother cannot kill her own children merely because she has become tired of taking care of them, merely because it has become too much of a burden for her. The living's tendency to excuse horrible evils, to find ways of granting unreasonable forgiveness troubles The Kingdom Of God Greatly. These children will have no justice as long as their mother lives, and when she dies she will find Eternal Death, nothing else will greet her in The Afterlife for the crime she has done is so unspeakable there are no prayers, there are no ceremonies, there is nothing that will make what she has done acceptable to Those in Heaven, or even to herself when she finally accepts her responsibility. She is already dead, forever. Her soul no longer exists. Her body simply hasn't caught up. She is the walking dead.