Daniel Pearl's Spirit is lost. It is sad enough that he has suffered this unspeakable death at the hands of these ignorant and cruel savages that call themselves Servants Of God. But because of the war between The United States and The Kingdom Of God, Pearl had no Angelic protection. No Spirit Workers were following him, no Angelic Voices were guiding him, so his Spirit has not entered The Afterlife, but is drifting somewhere in the shadows of the material world, frightened and confused. Local Spirits are making a desperate search trying to locate and retrieve him but there is a high possibility that Pearl will be frightened of Them and avoid Them.
It is hard enough for Spirit Guides or Guardian Angels, as you might call Them, to keep track of and guide an individual under the best of circumstances. When a person stays in one place for a long time, like a home or an office, and uses the same vehicle all the time, an energy charge builds up that is easy for Spiritual Workers to home in on. They can easily track Their client from place to place, keep in considerable contact. But when that person moves out of those familiar places, goes wandering, it is hard for Them to stay in contact. The new, strange vibrations, the new circumstances disorient Them, and make it hard for Them to track Their client, and to keep in contact.
A special dispensation has been granted because of the special circumstances, to Pearl's regular Spirit Workers, and They are rushing to the scene of his death to join Those searching for him, in an attempt to secure him, and get him safely to The Afterlife. Strange things can happen to a Soul in these circumstances, His anger and hatred over what has been done to him could drive him into becoming a creature of Darkness, and that must be avoided even if it is only a small possibility.
Pearl was a good Soul, a good man. His Angelic Protection should have been with him. Perhaps if They had been, They would have guided him away from this situation and he wouldn't have fallen into the hands of these creatures of evil. Now, The Forces Of The Light are being turned against the families of those who murdered him, and if They find evil in them They will destroy them. This child of The Light will be avenged, but his spiritual form must be recovered as soon as possible so it will not harm itself, or, others. These are the darkest of times.
The Kingdom Of God still calls upon The United States to end the war, to accept Their Mid East Peace Effort of a separate homeland for The Palestinians outside of Israel, to return all of Jerusalem, including The Temple Mount, to The Israelis. Tragic situations like this Pearl incident should not occur. They are a drain on The Power that is needed to restore Jesus to His Throne, bring Mary back to Earth, and insure the survival of mankind. The Kingdom Of God wants peace. They can tell The President Of The United States how to obtain it, he only has to listen.
Got a silly question the other day, I don't know quite how to word. I was asked "If The United States decided to negotiate with you, who should they send?" I got a kick out of Muhammed's answer! he said "The Vice President, or Colon Powell would be acceptable. Anyone of a lower political state would be considered an insult! After all, you are the representative of one of the most powerful forces on Earth, perhaps THE most powerful." I'm afraid old Muhammed is still a little unrealistic.
FOOTNOTE: The bill for Linda's surgery finally arrived. It's nearly $2,000! When the office visits have been added in it will be over that. We figure it is going to take us seven months to pay it off, at least, if then. Of course if I lose my job it's going to be a lot longer than that. Those in The Afterlife are still very upset that nothing has happened with any of our manuscripts or, John's music. With all the contacts we have had over the years it is unnatural for us not to have made more progress. Someone or, something, They believe, is interfering, and when They find out who or, what They will destroy it. We will keep The Work going, somehow, we're not sure how, but we will keep putting on. That's our nature, that's the Power of The Afterlife. No matter how powerful Their enemies, They are immortal and time is always on Their side. They always win.