Of course the first question this morning is, "Is there any news on Daniel Pearl?" Unfortunately not. Every effort is being made to recover his Spirit, to find his Soul, but so far we have been unsuccessful. Every effort will continue until his Spirit is recovered. These tragic times disturb us all.
We're up to 298 questions in the George Harrison book and it's a real good back and forth exchange! Sometimes George is asking us more questions than we're asking him. I think this is something the public is really going to like. We're still looking for a publisher. George refuses to put it online, he wants it in hard copy, first. Things have been so tied up this weekend Linda has been unable to get the index of George's book updated, so you can see what we've been talking about. However, she should have this done by this afternoon, so we suggest you visit it tomorrow to see the kind of things we are talking about. George is still crying for questions! There must be something here, that you want more information on! Give us some suggestions. Now is the time to ask!
**This index has been removed at George Harrison's request.**
There is a work, however, that we hope to get online soon. Muhammed has insisted that I begin work again on the story of his life, to be included in our major Work, "Light, The Divine History Of Spiritism, From Hades To Earth." We began this Work with Muhammed some years ago, but Muhammed became angry at the behavior of his people, and the project was shut down. These terrible times have forced us to start it up again. As soon as the book is ready we will put it online along with The Book Of The Nazarene, which is already up and running, and which we have gotten many responses on.
The addition of Muhammed's Work to Our Peoples' History will reinforce the unity between The Spiritist Republic and The Muslims, which has always been strong, anyway. We don't know how long these projects are going to take. All our current problems slow us down and eat into our available time. To help pay the bills we are canceling our cable service this week, so will not be able to monitor the news as closely as we have been. Our response to certain incidences may be a little slower than it has been, but this step is extremely necessary.
There is still no word on the sale of the restaurant where I work. Everything is up in the air until this situation is concluded. We are trying to get some assistance on our medical bills through a local welfare agency, not something we particularly like to do. But Linda's very nice doctor started the paperwork, and we considered it very rude not to at least make the attempt.
Everybody keeps crying about The Middle East situation. They're looking for a way to resolve it. The Kingdom Of God has the way, nobody wants to take it. Muhammed, Jesus, and Father Abraham ask Ariel Sharon to lead his people to The Temple Mount for sabbath prayers. They do not ask that The Arabs be shut out of The Temple Mount, let them have their prayers but let The Jewish People, too, come to their Sacred Ground to pray. And if the world does not like it, ignore the world. The attacks on Israel must stop! The threats against Israel must stop! The Kingdom Of God will accept nothing else, no matter what man desires.
To those who have been looking for it, our art gallery is gone. Gurlpages, where we have had it up, has installed a file manager that is totally useless. The codes to the sites became corrupted and we couldn't get into it to repair them. All the file manager would allow us to do is take them down, which became necessary. It is sad when people put in things that are supped to improve their service and it actually destroys it. Some of our other works are also on Gurlpages, and we cannot maintain these, either. We are in hopes none of them become corrupted. If they do we will have to move them. The promise of the internet for the ordinary person is slowly fading out of existence. Soon the only ones that will be able to use it, will be the major corporations and, the government. We hope when that time comes, we have enough funds to keep our Work on the internet going, and that someday we can get it back in the peoples' hands.
It now seems definite that our friend Jesse is going to lose his house in Valley City, which was a major part of our plan to eventually return there, as Jesus has ordered, and make it our base of operations. I continually ask Jesus if his opinion on Valley City has changed, and He says no, that this is the place that I must eventually live, that this is the place where I will do my greatest Work to save mankind. And when The Ruler Of The Kingdom Of God says something, there is little doubt that eventually it will come to pass, as everything He has said in the past has come to complete fulfillment. You just sometimes wonder how He is going to make it happen! But you know, somehow, in some way, He will! We can only wait and see. As a dear friend of mine used to say, "The most fundamental part of faith is believing. If you do not believe, you have no faith." And we definitely believe!
I have been planning to get a cell phone, but after what George said about them in our discussions this weekend, the technology is going to have to be modified considerably before we'll get anywheres near it! George has a very low opinion of the equipment, and from what he says, for very good reason. We would advise everyone else to avoid their use if at all possible.
Have you ever wondered what happened to the adventurous woman, Amelia Earhart? How did she meet her end? Was she shot down? Did she get lost? What? Well the story of her final moments is a fantastic one which we thoroughly enjoyed, that we are so glad she gave us. We hope you will enjoy it too.
Amelia Earhart Interview
(This issue of Voices From Spirit is no longer on line. It will be replaced soon at a new location!)