We got that inevitable question again. "How could God let anything happen to a child like Danielle vanDam? Why couldn't this have been stopped?" Well, if things were normal, if they were the way they were supposed to be, it probably would have been stopped. But there is no Angelic protection in The United States. If people of Christian faiths had obeyed Jesus' Edict and evacuated California the perversions there could have been in far more control, and what happened to this child could have been prevented.
But God is not to blame in any of these situations. It is man that has made the society where mothers prefer to go out to bars and be drinking, getting high, rather than being home taking care of their children. It is man who has created the society where people feel it is permissible to pervert children, use children, and then throw them away, that they are only something for pleasure. It is man who has created the society where the criminal's rights is put above the rights of everyone else. It is man who has produced the lawyers who will defend a man under such charges when they know he is guilty, and do everything they can to save his life so there is a good possibility that in time, he will be released and go out to murder more children. People cannot blame God for these happenings. Man can only blame himself for his ignorance. When people close their eyes, when they say it's perfectly all right to go out and get high every few nights, this is only legitimate pleasure, then this world will continue to be in the mess that it's in.
This family had a treasure beyond measure, a child that could have done wonderful things, that was a bright star. Now, that star has gone out. Let us pray it is not a light that was needed to save the world. It will be back, it is not lost forever, it is not destroyed, but it will take it a long time to regain what it lost. And what it lost was because of man's ignorance.
People cannot imagine what it is like for The Forces Of The Light to stand back and have to do nothing. They can't imagine what it is like for Those that live to fight evil to have to turn Their backs and walk away when They could do something. They do not understand what it is like when they have made the mighty powerless. But man has chosen, man has what he prefers. Better lust and perversion than truth, better freedom to do whatever one wants, than responsibility. Man can't blame God, and God will not be blamed.
Sometimes the things we have to talk about are so disturbing that it's hard to tell people about them. Demons are one of those things. How a living being can become so degraded, so depraved, that it can become a creature of Darkness and feed on the last energy of dying bodies to survive is sometimes beyond our understanding, beyond our comprehension. Many times we have gotten correspondence from people saying "What you describe couldn't happen. A human being could never do this." Unfortunately, they do, and will continue to as long as there is hate, lust and greed. Some will turn into creatures of Darkness. It is important to understand what they are, it is the first step in defending against them. Go, and read about them. Learn to beware of them. Know how to call The Lords Of Light if you should ever encounter them.
(This issue of Voices From Spirit is no longer on line. It will be replaced soon at a new location!)