We mentioned on November 6, 2,001, that The Imus Show out of WFAN, NY, had gotten extremely popular in The Afterlife because we often listen to him in the morning. We have gotten a comment on this article some time ago, which, in all the confusion that has been going on, we forgot to mention. That comment was "How could Those in The Kingdom Of God possibly listen to The Imus Show? Some of the segments that he has on are only what I would call raunchy. How could Those in The Afterlife listen to such things?"
Well, to tell you truthfully, the raunchy material is bleeped out. The broadcasts are recorded on a delay, and anything that would be considered offensive by The Kingdom Of God's standards is simply NOT transmitted. Some in the material world would consider this a violation of peoples' creative rights, but in The Afterlife such things are called common decency.
We have begun work on the George Harrison book. We have about six pages so far. The book will be dealing exclusively with what he has found in The Afterlife. It will have nothing to do with The Beatles, or what he did in his lifetime. It will definitely have nothing to do with his personal life. It will make some mention of what he is doing with John Lennon, but that is nothing to do with The Beatles, really.
George would welcome questions from the public....things you want to know about The Afterllife. He feels this might give us an opportunity to cover some things that we wouldn't think of. I believe the book is of a serious nature, but it already has some humorous parts. George has a certain way of expressing things that I think the public will enjoy. Ask your listeners what they want to know about The Afterlife, and send us their suggestions. They would be greatly appreciated.
Our friend Jesse visited this weekend, and asked a common question we are often asked in any news event on Earth. What would our Ancestors have done about the Enron situation? How would The Havens and The Hashons have dealt with such a problem? The answer is, far far more severely than those on Earth will. Under Haven law, those guilty of business fraud had all their property seized and it was used to pay back those who had been cheated in any illegal business dealings. Then the perpetrator's entire family, his wife and children, and any grandchildren, were burned alive. Haven justice was swift, sure and brutal. That is why there was so little crime among The Haven People. Nothing was gained by anyone. Every member of a family was brutally punished for the wrong of a corrupt individual, so families tried to make very sure that their relatives weren't involved in anything illegal. The Hashons weren't quite as bad, but They didn't fool around either. Executives that committed such crimes as Enron's people are accused of, would have been stripped of all their property. Any gifts they had given others would have to be returned. Any property they'd given their families would be seized. Properties would be rented to repay whatever debts were owed. Families would be given modest living conditions but not lavish expensive homes. Justice was far nicer among The Hashons, but still you didn't want to commit crimes there.
On a nicer note, sports fans in The Afterlife want to thank The Patriots and The Rams for a great Superbowl. In any sporting event sometimes both teams are well deserving of victory but only one can win. The Patriots' last drive was fantastic and had old time football players right up on their feet screaming "Go boys, go!" It was the kind of game everybody was proud of, and gave weary people a few minutes break from the enormous tasks that They are facing. Well done, gentlemen!
Kingdom Of God extremely angry about gay adoption. When will the sickness of man ever end when they give children to perverts to raise, saying they have an acceptable lifestyle that won't hurt anyone? The Kingdom Of God is winning battles but the war is long from over. As long as sickness like this endures on Earth there's still an awful lot to do. They are also rather upset that Al Gore has returned with his lies, blaming Bush for the current economic conditions when it was the policies of his administration and his party that got the country in the mess it's in. But unfortunately there are feeble minded people out there that will eat up his lies and turn against The Bush Administration. The truth just doesn't seem to matter to them at all.