Sad to report, there's not much new. Muhammed has been terribly impatient and doesn't understand the U.S. postal service. He thought my letter would reach President Bush the very first day, and he would reply immediately. It is so sad to see such a powerful Soul disappointed. That the power to destroy is so much greater than the power to build.
Muhammed continues to work with us, feverishly. Sadly, we have found that the old Koran is so corrupted that it is unrecognizable! And Muhammed has decided to start from scratch, trying to restore some semblance of his original Work. Unfortunately he did not keep it up in The Afterlife, thinking that the material version would be sufficient, not realizing that as each year passed, it was getting more and more corrupted with traditions. And it was so long ago that he wrote it, that the memories of what he exactly said are very thin. Too much has passed by since. But I think we are beginning to get something very good, though it is torturous for the dear old Soul to work on it, for he is so disheartened at his peoples' corruption.
Was asked the other day who are the official leaders of Islam besides myself? Who does Muhammed recognize? Well that's kind of up in the air right now! Somewhere here, in the Fargo, North Dakota area, is an Islamic Teacher that has no idea, whatsoever, that he is now the leading authority in all of Islam that Muhammed has bestowed on him all of Islam's power and glory, and besides myself, he is the only other authority of Islam on Earth. But as of yet, I don't know who this individual is, and Muhammed has not seen fit yet, to give me a name.. Maybe people ought to start calling the local Islamic leaders around here, and see if any of them have had any visions, have heard Allah calling them. Somebody's in for an awful surprise! There's nothing like suddenly having the fate of an entire people thrust upon you! It's no damned fun at all. But somewhere here in Fargo, North Dakota, that's just what has happened! The fate of an entire race has been put upon the shoulders of a single man, and he has no idea, as of yet, he doesn't know. What an unthinkable horror!
Sometimes there are men who are way ahead of their time, who have knowledge that is so dangerous mankind is not yet ready for it. Sometimes The Lords, in Their Wisdom, must frustrate their ambitions to keep them from doing more harm than good. Leonardo DiVinci was such a man, and also was Nikola Tesla. Tesla was a great Soul born in a human body, long before he should have been. He was aware of many things man was not ready for. He wanted to do great wonders. Unfortunately The Lords Of Light had to keep him from doing so. For if he had fully succeeded man would have had weapons that would have totally destroyed him long before he was ready to deal with them. Here is the interview Mr. Tesla gave us. I think you will enjoy his thoughts.
Nikola Tesla Interview
(This issue of Voices From Spirit is no longer off line. It will be replaced soon at a new location!