March 20, 2,002
Peace In South Africa
Linda had a great interview last night with Radio 702, Johannesburg, South Africa. Unfortunately I had already gone to bed and was too sick to get up. But to my surprise, as I slept a committee from The Afterlife came to me with a complaint. "You constantly," They said, "talk about The Kingdom Of God's Peace Plan For The Middle East, but you never speak of God's Plan For Peace For South Africa, which, to us, is just as important. We would like you to express God's Plan For South Africa, that the whole world may know it, and people may start to work to put it into practice." I agreed, but warned these people that The Plan For South Africa would be just as controversial as The Plan For The Middle East.
The Plan For South Africa is absorption, and it works like this. If whites want to remain in South Africa they must marry natives, people of color, for at least ten generations, until their seed has been absorbed into the native race.
Now, some are going to say "What? That's not right! You can't force white people to marry colored people!" There would be no force involved, whatsoever! God has already arranged the marriages. Many are already desiring to fulfill His wish, but the long barriers of social custom keep them from acting. All that needs to be done is to arrange social gatherings where white young men may meet colored young women, and colored young men may meet white young women, and nature will take its course. God will do the rest. All that has to be dispensed with is the false teachings of man that would make such social gatherings as this impossible.
Those whites that do not wish to be involved in the absorption program may leave South Africa, but they must leave the wealth they have taken from the native people behind, and it will be distributed to the descendants of those people from whom it was stolen.
This is God's Plan For South Africa. This is what The Kingdom Of God is arranging. This is what will bring peace to that region. And this Plan is not for South Africa, alone, but for all of Africa. It would be unpopular, it would be hated by some, but it would work! It would, in time, bring peace, and an end to the hatred. For all of South Africa would be one people.
Some day this will happen, it is not only The Kingdom Of God's Will, but the will of all the people of South Africa in The Afterlife, no matter what their race or religion. It is being put into the minds of the South African people even now. The idea is in the back of everyone's consciousness, and soon people will start speaking of it. Sooner or later it will come to pass. It can be fought but it can never be stopped.