This is an email I was really hoping we would not have to send out, because I think it is a very bad idea. But Those in The Kingdom Of God have been getting so much pressure from Their Islamic brothers and sisters for a spiritual dead zone in The United States, that Lord Peter has finally conceded and ordered that things be put into motion to drain Los Angeles of all spiritual energy. It is going to take time to set it up. The actual Work will not begin until April 1st, and it will probably take two and a half to three weeks to shut down all power in the Los Angeles area. The greatest difficulty in this operation is being able to protect our own operatives in the area. But it has been determined that they can be individually charged with enough energy to make them invulernable to the dead zone's effect. Orlando, Florida was also considered for this effort. But we have too many operatives there. We could not possibly maintain a dead zone and protect all the operatives at the same time. So, Orlando has been taken off the list for now, though Disney was a prime target. We'll have to let their perverting of children go on for a while.
We still cannot believe that the people in Mecca and Medina still cannot feel the physical effect of what is happening to them! The dead zone around the capital Riyadh, has increased by two more miles, making it an even twenty, and seems to be stabilizing for now.
The Kingdom Of God is really upset that The United States could not persuade their allies to attack Hussein. I believe this failure is what is causing The Kingdom Of God to establish a dead zone in The United States. The Kingdom Of God wants Hussein out, they want him out NOW and the world's failure to act upsets Them greatly. The Saudi Arabians' acceptance of Hussein's evil is one of the reasons they are being attacked so viciously, and their failure to accept The Kingdom Of God's Peace Proposal is maintaining the dead zones at their present levels and causing them to spread. The Kingdom Of God is determined to break them, and I wouldn't want to be anywhere in the vicinity when They finally do because it isn't going to be pretty!
The famous French Queen tells it like it is, or was. Did she really say "Let them eat cake!"? How did it feel to lose her head? I found the lady very, very interesting! I think you will, too.
Marie Antoinette Interview
(This issue of Voices From Spirit is no longer on line. It will be replaced at a new location soon!
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