We have received more information on what is likely to happen in Los Angeles, as all Spiritual energy is shut down there April 1st. The convention center in downtown Los Angeles has been chosen as ground zero. Don't ask me why, I don't have the foggiest idea! But it's what They've picked. It's estimated that for the first five days the dead zone will grow at a rate of ten miles a day, and then for the next ten days will expand at a rate of five miles a day until it reaches a hundred miles from ground zero in all directions. This, of course, will cover all of the Los Angeles area, passed San Bernadino in the east, to Ventura in the west, beyond Rosamond in the north, and far out into the sea in the south. Santa Catalina Island will fall well within the dead zone. It is fully expected that the same type of phenomena that occurred in Mecca and Medina will occur in Los Angeles. John Lennon says "This will be the biggest April Fool's joke in history, but it ain't very funny!"
It has been decided that after it is seen how things go in Los Angeles, that Honolulu will be the next target for the creation of a spiritual dead zone. We will probably wait until the beginning of May before we take any action. But undoubtedly action will be taken.
The Islamic people are simply insisting that the rest of the world also be attacked, if their people are being attacked. And as we need the Alliance in The Afterlife we have no choice but to concede to Their wishes. We have been asked if there is any possibility of negotiations. I haven't got the foggiest! I don't know what those involved could offer that The Kingdom Of God would want; perhaps newspaper ads for The Kingdom Of God's Peace Plan, or publicity for John Lennon's Apostleship. I am sure if some offerings of cooperation were made The Kingdom Of God would be willing to negotiate. It is unlikely, however, that any are possible. The only thing The Kingdom Of God would insist upon is that no homosexuals be sent to take part in the negotiations. That would be completely unacceptable. However They would be willing to deal with members of the media or members of the local government. However, they would have to come here, we would not be allowed to go to California. But it's something we don't have to worry about, because there's nobody smart enough there to negotiate. The dead zones will probably go on for a year or more, before they're finally willing to take some action.
These are hard times, they are really hard times! But the struggle must continue. The Kingdom Of God does not like to act in this manner. They don't like to attack, They much prefer to defend. But apparently They have very few left to defend.
The Kingdom Of God is delighted, however, that the YMCA here in Fargo has declared that homosexual couples are not a family, and not eligible for family benefits. Protesters were marching out in front of the Y yesterday, with signs that said "Stop being bigots!" I wish we had had time to take up signs and march around that said "Thank you, Y, for telling the truth!" Of course it won't last. Some pervert judge will overrule it and say the poor perverts are being abused. But at least for a while what's right is being done.
FOOTNOTE: Got a shocker last night! The Islamic People want a dead zone in Europe as well as The United States. There seems to have been no discussion, whatsoever, where that dead zone should be. All of Europe is united in The Afterlife with the desire that if there has to be a dead zone it should be in the most defiled and unholy place in all of Europe, Rome, where those who allow the perversion of their children by priests have their headquarters. The universal acceptance of Rome as the target for a dead zone took me completely by surprise! Even the Catholics in The Afterlife are not protesting, and that is the most frightening aspect of all. But of course it will be the first of June before this could even be worked on. But it's still a shocker! The only question is, after Rome, who's next?
PERSONAL COMMENTS: Both Linda and I want everyone to know that we are personally against these dead zones. We consider them as hideous a weapon as nerve gas or atomic bombs. We are carrying on these projects only because we are required to. The idea of demons feeding in the maternity wards of Los Angeles hospitals absolutely appalls us! And it is undoubted that if this project continues, such phenomena will occur. It is inevitable. And the thought of Souls being trapped in the Earth plane not being able to enter into The Afterlife, is also appalling to us. We understand The Kingdom Of God's desperation for action, to be able to do something, anything. But we think these dead zones are a very, very bad idea. They are a bad idea in Mecca and Medina, they are an even worse idea in Los Angeles. We will do our duty, but we do not like that duty. The Polleys.