In our last email we explained how the dead zone in Los Angeles will spread, beginning April 1st. But we have been asked for more information on what will happen to people actually living in the dead zone. We don't have too much information, as this is a phenomena that has never been seen before. We only have what is happening in Mecca, Medina, and Riyadh to go by. But we can give you some idea of what to expect.
First of all demons will be able to feed on the living, something they are not normally able to do. But those in Saudi Arabia are sucking the people in the cities there dry, barely leaving them enough energy to live on. And no one is safe! As we have mentioned, they even go after the newborn in the maternity wards of the hospitals. And there are no safe places. Churches and cemeteries which normally keep demons out are powerless in these conditions. Demons come right into them and feed as readily there, as any place else. Even sacred ground is unprotected! The demons seem to particularly like to feed on rulers. They seem to be drawn to anyone with political power like a magnet. This situation alone, is horrifying, but there's worse! If anybody is sick in the dead zones, their sickness seems to increase. Whatever's ailing them seems to suddenly become worse, and though not always life threatening, their misery becomes almost unbearable. There is danger of epidemics spreading easily. Those who die in the dead zones can't leave them, they're stuck there in the material world, unable to go beyond the boundaries of the dead zones. Demons torment them mercilessly, though they can't hurt them. They seem to relish terrifying them. The Souls pray constantly for deliverance.
There is a tremendous increase in aggression. People who are normally quiet and peaceful become irritable and quarrelsome. Those who already have an aggressive nature become violent, causing difficulties with those around them. This is basically what has been observed in Saudi Arabia. It is believed Los Angeles will follow the same pattern. There should be an increase in the rate of death, in the rate of sickness, and in violent acts throughout the dead zone. Bearers Of Light will be helpless in the dead zone, demons will not be able to hurt them, but They would be unable to act in any way, against them. And people astral projecting into the infected areas can be grievously harmed or, even killed by the corrupted energy seeping out of The Afterlife back into the dead zones, which seems to be the cause of most of the damage. It is like an unseen lethal gas, or a deadly radiation that permeates everything in the dead zones.
We have been asked "What can people do if they're in the dead zones and start to have symptoms, start to feel the corrupted energy's effect?" There's only one thing they can do, leave the dead zones. It has been observed that people that do so quickly begin to recover. But the longer they stay in the dead zones the longer it takes them to recover. It is strongly recommended that if anyone is dying they be removed from the dead zones so that their transition to The Afterlife can be assured.
We have only been observing the phenomena in the dead zones for a short time. Nothing like this has ever been seen before, nothing of this intensity reported. We have no idea what the long term effects will be, other than that they will be devastating, if what we have seen thusfar, is any sign. We can only wait and see.
Oh! Those with perverted natures who seek after unnatural and unholy things, are driven to virtual insanity in the dead zones. The desire for their perversion seems to rise a hundred fold. We can expect a lot more increase in that kind of activity, also. This may be carried outside the dead zones, into surrounding communities, as those in the physical form can enter and leave the dead zones. Mothers watch your children! It has been noticed that some peoples of a perverted nature have been drawn into the dead zones in Saudi Arabia. They seem to be attracted to them. They seem to give them some kind of pleasure.Why doesn't that surprise me?
That's about all we can tell you. Oh! People have asked why we're against using the dead zones. This is an unknown phenomena, an unheard of phenomena. To use it as a weapon is extremely dangerous. We don't know if when places are so deprived of psychokinetic energy if they can ever be reenergized with it. We may find that when we want to reenergize the dead zones we can't! It might end up they're permanent. We think it's extremely dangerous to use such a phenomena without first fully understanding it. But our fears have been overruled. And we do not know if the defense mechanisms we're setting up for our Workers in the dead zones will be sufficient! They might not be enough to protect them. We believe they could be energized to a point where demons will not be able to attack them, but we don't know if they will be able to withstand the effects of the corrupted energy. Those staying to observe the dead zone's effect and to report back to us are extremely courageous.
FOOTNOTE: We have finished Muhammed's Life Story, and, The Revised Koran, and printed it up as a Special Edition of our Magazine.. A copy has been sent to President Bush. Hopefully we will put the rest of it online April 1st, deleting the parts that Muhammed is worried about, and having people email us for those sections. We don't know how well this will work, but it's the only solution to the problem that we can find. It is very expensive to produce Muhammed's Book in this fashion, and we would have to charge $10.00 a copy, to make mailing them even feasible. So too many will not be sent out in the paper form, unless the government chooses to produce them.