Sometimes my Work brings me to tears. One o' clock Sunday morning Jesus appeared in my bedroom and said, "Demetrius, come with me, there's something you have to see. It will lift your heart." Bewildered I astral projected with Him to Washington and found an incredible sight! The grounds of The White House were packed with Spirits. Every inch of them was full, where there weren't living things, like bushes and trees. The driveway was packed with Marines in full dress uniforms, as were the steps going into The White House. They all chanted over and over again, every single Spirit, "Save Los Angeles! Save Los Angeles!"
"They're going to move for vehicles, right?" I asked Jesus.
He shook His head. "They simply let them pass through Them, no matter how much it disturbs Them, no matter how many there are. From sunset to sunrise They'll be here, and on overcast days."
I couldn't resist and descended, landing before the entrance. "You all from Los Angeles, boys?" I asked.
"Born and bred, General!"a Sergeant answered.
"Long time since I've been a General, gentlemen!" I replied. "Tough duty. It takes the Marines!"
A cheer rose up, and the Sergeant answered, "Always a General to us, sir!"
"You must see inside," Jesus insisted. I nodded to Him, snapped a sharp salute to the Marines and cried "Gung ho, men! Stand your ground!"
"Gung ho, sir!" the Marines answered. "We'll stand fast."
Jesus led me inside and I found the entranceway packed shoulder to shoulder, with Hollywood celebrities. EVERYBODY was there; Abbott & Costello, The Three Stooges, Laurel & Hardy, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, John Wayne, James Dean. And directors; Cecil B. DeMille, Glen Ford. The stairs going up to the living quarters were filled with female celebrities; Mae West, Loretta Young, Elizabeth Montgomery, Lucille Ball, Shirley Booth, Imogene Coca, the list goes on and on. To get even more people in, Those that knew how were floating against the ceiling, and any open space big enough, along the walls. They all chanted repeatedly, "Save Los Angeles! Save Los Angeles!"
"How long are They going to be here?" I asked Jesus.
"They have sworn," Jesus answered, "to not move from the spots They have chosen 'til Los Angeles is regenerated, until the flow of psychokinetic energy to it has been restored. Every single room in the White House is packed solid. There's even people standing in the bathtubs and toilets! There is not one place in this whole Mansion that a person can move without passing through Spirits! The only concession that is made is for the dogs. Passages are made for them, so they can walk through the house undisturbed. They will not torment helpless animals!"
"The President's bedroom?" I asked.
"All the former First Ladies," Jesus told me, "are standing in his bed. Come, see The Oval Office!" Jesus led me to The Oval Office, and there I found every former President and former governors of California, and, senators, out into the halls. None of the Presidents spoke, just continued to chant, but nodded to us as we floated overhead. "As you can see," Jesus explained, "as The President sits at his desk he will be sitting in President Taft. Every time he reaches for something on his desk, his arm will be passing through Lincoln, Garfield, and Kennedy. Every time he leaves his desk he will have to walk through Washington, Jefferson, and Madison. All have sworn not to leave Their positions 'til Los Angeles is safe."
"Who started this?" I asked.
Jesus pointed to Abraham Lincoln, who shrugged and smiled. "I should have known!" I answered.
"Then it just spread," Jesus explained. "They all arrived, told Us who were working here to take a break, and filled The White House! And They swear all of Them, every last one of Them, They will not move from the spot They have chosen, until Los Angeles is safe."
I floated there shaking my head. "Never seen anything like this!" I remarked.
"No one has!" Jesus answered. "Each time We do something We think it cannot be bettered, then Those Who Love Us find a way of bettering it, of beating Us, of outdoing Us. Even Those who we have been holding outside of Heaven because of our war with The United States, who are from Los Angeles, or, California, have come. They stand fast for us. They swear that no evil will enter The White House while They are here, and how could any endure here?"
"I'd like to see it try!" I answered, "I'd like to see it squirm through this! This is the greatest haunting in history, the greatest gathering of Spirits on the material plane. The world has never seen the like of this, and, I doubt will ever see the like of it again! I'm beginning to feel like a sardine. Let's go. Let's let Them raise Their vibration."
Jesus and I left. Jesus is giving up His haunting of Mrs. Bush for a while. He's been replaced. There are now several well known male celebrities standing in her desk, taking His place. He's going off to do some other things for a while. These are the most incredible times! The horror and the despair are sometimes overshadowed by the courage and the faith, and this is the only thing that makes it all bearable. On the way out I stopped over The Three Stooges and said "I thought you guys were making a movie called "Little Nicky Returns."
They all laughed, and answered, "It'll have to wait. We've got a whole new performance to carry on. We'll finish it later. Anyway, all the rest of the cast is here. We couldn't be left out!"
I smiled, nodded, and hurried off. But when I got back to my body I had to wake up and shed a few tears before I could get back to sleep. Sometimes you just have to let the emotion go, sometimes you just have to let it out, you can't live if you don't.
Since we wrote this we have received the news that the haunting has spread to the capitol as well as The White House. Hundreds of thousands of Spirits from Los Angeles and California are filling every inch of the senate and house chambers, and, adjoining rooms, crying the same chant, "Save Los Angeles!" This is all possible because of the power Muhamed is drawing out of Saudi Arabia by stripping the three cities there of all psychokinetic energy, he is producing enough to empower all these Spirits to haunt The White House and the senate chambers. We have been asked "Why? Why would The Kingdom Of God do this to Their children? Why would They do this to Their loved ones? How could They attack Los Angeles?"
No one will take The Kingdom Of God seriously. No one will listen to Their demands. They are instead listening to men who want to destroy everything The Kingdom Of God has worked for for thousands of years. The Kingdom Of God needs hundreds of thousands of voices calling out, saying "Respect Their wishes, leave Israel alone! Do not hinder God's Plans!" No one takes The Kingdom Of God seriously any more. No one believes enough to hear Their cries, and, act. They fear men more than God, so an example must be made. The world must be shown the power The Kingdom Of God has. So, while Muhammed strips Saudi Arabia of spiritual energy, Those working for Jesus will strip Los Angeles, and other places, until the people start seeing that The Kingdom Of God still has power. That Those in The Afterlife can still effect the living.
Los Angeles is one of the most evil places on Earth. It is one of the easiest places to strip from psychokinetic energy. Those beginning the process are finding it almost effortless. It is as if the majority of people in Los Angeles don't want The Power Of God, don't want The Light Of Truth. The Kingdom Of God prefers to rule with love, but when It is attacked It will fight back! It will show Its might! Mankind will be taught again, that It does have power! This is happening because man refuses to believe, and prefers his own perversion. Now, he must see the price of that perversion. That's why The Kingdom Of God is doing this. If hundreds of thousands of voices rose up in Los Angeles, supported The Kingdom Of God's Peace Plan, and started fighting the perversion in their midst, then The Kingdom Of God would joyously pour Its power back into Los Angeles. But until the people of Los Angeles support The Kingdom Of God, The Kingdom Of God will not support Los Angeles! It is as simple as that. It is as simple as that.