April 8, 2,002
Two Zones For Italy

Two interesting questions have arisen from Friday's email.  One was "You said in a previous email that the people that died in the dead zones were trapped there, their Souls could not escape.  Yet you say the people that surrendered their bodies to the demons entered into The Afterlife.  Bit of inconsistency here."  Well, what we said before is true.  Ordinary Souls whose bodies die in the dead zones cannot enter The Afterlife, but apparently the creatures of Darkness have the ability to open passages into The Afterlife for those who willingly surrender their bodies to them., a power they do not have outside of the dead zones.  As we have said, this is a totally unknown phenomena, a totally unpredictable phenomena. It is not following ANY of the standard rules.  So every day is something new.
The second question we got was something like this.  "Where the demons are so cooperative now, is there any chance that after this crisis passes, that they will continue to be cooperative, and end their age-old struggle with The Bearers Of Light?" Sadly, the answer is no.  The demons have made it very clear that they will serve us diligently as long as the human race is in danger of extinction, but the moment that their food supply is again safe, things will go back to the old status quo.  There is no way that they can follow the rules of The Bearers Of Light, and there is no way that The Bearers Of Light can abide their evil.  So it is impossible for the two to sustain a union, when there is no clear and present danger to unite them.  It is a sad truth, but a truth, nonetheless.
However, we should note that a fourth ally, a second female, has been found to join the battle against Nazi at the Saudi Arabian capitol.  The imbalance of two males and one female has been corrected, and those opposing the evil there are already doing much better.  Right now this strange alliance is holding and is beneficial to all.
Well, the questions continue to pour in!  We have been asked "Does The Kingdom Of God have anything to do with the exposure of Catholic priests in The United States who have been molesting children, and if They have been, why?  Why humiliate the church?  Why not settle these problems quietly in private, and not destroy the good the church is doing?" Well, the answer to the first part of the question is yes, of course!  The Kingdom Of God exposes perversion anywhere They can find it.  And They are especially after the Catholic clergy because of their false piety.  They especially don't want an American to be Pope, so They are doing all in Their power to keep that from happening.  The more evil They can expose, the better the world is! And as for the second part of that question, we won't even give it the dignity of an answer!  Evil must be destroyed, no matter who is doing it.
We have been asked "If The Kingdom Of God is shutting down the spiritual energy in Rome, turning it into a spiritual dead zone, will the Pope be one of those being provided protection?"  The answer is a resounding "NO!"  The pope is an enemy of The Kingdom Of God, he supports the surrender of Jerusalem in a Mid East peace agreement. He will be afforded no protection, whatsoever, and I'm sure will be a prime target of any demonistic activity.  The Catholic church is not even considered Christian by The Kingdom Of God, it is considered a pagan organization, an evil priesthood.
Another question we are being asked is where is all this energy we're taking from Los Angeles going?  If it is not being used in Los Angeles, where is it being used?  Well, the answer to that is it is being brought here, to Fargo, over 50% of it, to assist us in our Work, and to help establish Muhammed's new World Headquarters.  If we had more people here we could take more.  But the amount we are receiving is incredible.  The rest is going to Israel.  There are more than enough Americans there to receive and use it.  Virtually all the energy being taken from Europe will go to Israel, and all the energy being taken from Saudi Arabia is going to Israel.  The survival of Israel is, at this moment, the paramount thing to the survival of mankind.  This is what those who oppose Israel simply do not understand.  No matter what they do they can't succeed.  If their armies outnumbered the Israelis a thousand to one, their armies would still be destroyed, and Israel would STILL prevail.  There's simply no way they can win, because The Kingdom Of God will take their own power, their own strength, away from them and use it to destroy them.  Those opposing us simply cannot succeed!  Somehow, some way, in the end, we will win!  That's all there is to it.  A people cannot win, a race cannot survive, when they are going against the very power they are calling upon to protect them.  It's insanity!  It's just pure insanity!
And speaking of the power from Europe that will go to Israel, The Kingdom Of God has decided that taking the spiritual energy from Rome will not be enough.  There will still be an imbalance compared to that spiritual energy being taken from the U.S. and Saudi Arabia.  So, it has been decided that not one spiritual dead zone will be created in Italy, centered in Rome, but two dead zones will be created, each a hundred miles out from their center point, one centered in Rome, the second centered in Bologna, so as many Italian cities as possible will fall within the dead zones' radius, and as much of the corrupted energy from The Afterlife will flow into these areas as possible.  So this is a list of the Italian cities that will be within the dead zones:  Rome, Bologna, Venice, Ravenna, LaSpezia, SanMarino, Florence, Livorno, and Gaeta.  It is also believed that two other cities may get partial effect from the dead zones because of the overlap; Piombino and Ancona.
 The Roman dead zone is already commencing, effect is already being observed.  It already extends about 25 miles in all directions from The Vatican's cathedral.  The other dead zone probably won't be activated until some time the middle of next week, after the Roman zone is completely established.  We are still extremely wary of these dead zones, though it's having a very positive effect, though they are generating a great deal of power, we still don't think they should be used.  We are in hopes that we will see no further new effects from the dead zones, but it is without doubt everything we have already reported will occur in Italy; the demons feeding on the newborn in the hospitals, the Souls unable to escape the dead zones after death, the increase of perverted and unnatural behavior, demonistic possessions of bodies while the people are still living.  It is without doubt these things will be occurring in Rome within a very short time, and no prayers will protect anyone, and noplace will be safe.
Observers have already seen creatures of darkness in the Vatican cathedral feeding on visitors as if it was a drunken whorehouse!  Demons have even been observed feeding on individuals while they are taking communion.  There is no safe place!  There is no protecting power!  There is only evil in the dead zones.  Nothing good spiritually, can enter into them.  They're what man wants, they're what he insists upon, and there will be more unless the Europeans stop interfering in Israel, unless they stop supporting The Palestinians.

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