A Statement From Lord Peter.
I am Lord Peter, in the absence of Our Lord And Savior, Jesus Christ, Ruler Of Heaven.
Kingdom Of God praises Israeli offensive against Palestinians and utterly
condemns The United States and Europe for speaking against Israel's right
to defend itself, to placate the Arabs. They continue to praise John
Lennon for defeating Al Gore in the elections, because if he had not by
now American troops would be in Israel forcing the Israelis to surrender
Jerusalem to The Palestinians.
Israel is at war! It's people are being murdered. It has
just as much right to defend itself as The United States has to defend
itself. This double standard so beloved by American Politicians,
is not, and will not, be accepted by The Kingdom Of God.
We are constantly asked "Why does The Kingdom Of God's war against
The United States continue, when The United States is making such an effort
against terrorism?" Here is your answer, here is the reason.
The United States expects Israel to allow its people to be murdered for
the sake of peace with the Arabs, peace that will never be with the current
peace treaty. Those Israeli soldiers who have died in the service
of their country have been welcomed in joyous celebration, into The Kingdom
Of God. Those Palestinians who have died have almost all suffered
The Second Death, ceased to exist forever, because their goal is the annihilation
of The Israeli People.
The Kingdom Of God's Peace Plan will separate The Israelis from The
Palestinians. It will give a true chance for peace. While The
Israelis are fighting The Kingdom Of God asks them to take back The Temple
Mount, to take back what belongs to the people of Israel, to show the world
once and for all, that Israelis rule Israel, not The United States, not
the Europeans, not the Arabs, but Israel rules Israel! No one may
tell the Israeli people what to do in their land. God forbids!
As we have said before, they can interfere, they can try, but they can
never succeed. All the lives they are wasting are a vain attempt
to have their childish way. They will not have it!
Yours In The Service Of Jesus Of Nazareth,
Now And Forever,
Peter, Called The Rock
FOOTNOTE: Because of The United States' continued support of The Palestinians, The Kingdom Of God is seriously considering opening a second spiritual dead zone in The United States, though Los Angeles is crumbling, and They well believe the authorities understand what is happening there, apparently it is not enough. The only question is, where? The leading candidates at this time are Miami, Florida, and Las Vegas, Nevada. It has been decided to skip Honolulu because it is too remote and would not make an effective enough demonstration. But if The Kingdom Of God was to open another dead zone, where should it be? Aside from Los Angeles, California, where is the most evil place in The United States? Maybe your listeners would like to make some suggestions. Have them pick the ten evilest places in The United States and send us your results. The Kingdom Of God may well take their opinions seriously.