April 17, 2,002
Loved Ones Attacking

A new phenomena is starting in the Saudi Arabian spiritual dead zones, which we are sure is going to spread very quickly to the other zones, as any phenomena quickly seems to do.  People who have recently died and are trapped in the dead zones are turning on their loved ones, attacking them viciously, both physically, and, mentally.  There have been cases where they have grabbed the wheels of vehicles and tried to turn them so they would go into oncoming traffic.  They have struck physical blows that the living can actually feel!  They have tried to set fires and in one case an angry spirit tried to drown his living son.  They are also giving their relations nightmares of unbelievable horror.
The actions of these individuals is becoming almost demonistic.  Those creatures of darkness working with us in the dead zones are trying all in their power to calm the newly deceased, make them understand the situation.  But the newly deceased are so enraged that their loved ones have got them in this situation, that there is  no calming them, no reasoning with them.  They simply will not respond. The only real solution to this problem is shutting down the dead zones, pouring spiritual energy back into them, and getting these people back into The Afterlife where they belong.  But that's not going to happen for a long, long time!  But if people that die in the dead zones end up becoming creatures of darkness, demons, it is going to make untold problems in the future.
On another note, the two young ladies came from the high school newspaper.  They were delightful!  We'll be anxious to see what they pick to write about.  We think they were mainly interested in Linda's music channeled from John Lennon, but we'll just have to wait and see what they say.  We continue the struggle.  The truth is here, we're just having trouble spreading it.
And speaking of attacks, yesterday morning somebody launched psychic attacks against both me and, Linda, which were immediately responded to with the usual results.  Whoever these people are, wherever they are, they're totally stupid!  Hopefully after two such lessons, what little intelligence they have left will make them smart enough to stop!  Our power levels are so high right now, with everything that's being pumped into us from the dead zones, that such an attack against us means almost certain death.  The energy coming back to them will simply fry their nervous systems.  The effect somewhat resembles electrocution and is often mistaken for that.  People have not been this foolish for a long time, and we wonder what has brought it on, and we wish it would stop!  We do not enjoy hurting the helpless.
This ends today's transmission.


Playing a drunk is bad enough, being a drunk is even worse, as W.C. Fields can tell you.  Can he tell you!

**This issue of Voices From Spirit is no longer on line. It will be replaced soon at a new location!**

W.C. Fields

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