Kingdom Of God extremely glad that American press, in all forms, is
beginning to respond to Its influence again. For eight years during
the Clinton administration, no matter how much They tried to influence
a reporter to seek The Truth they would not respond, the lie and the deception
was so prevalent during that administration. But now it takes the
slightest little hint to get a reporter investigating something.....a note
left on their desk, an anonymous phone call or e mail will send them scurrying!
The American press is one of the greatest weapons The Kingdom Of God has
in Its war against The United States. The more reporters dig into
the Enron mess, the more chance the Clinton involvement will be exposed.
The more they dig into the Clinton's anti terrorism efforts, the more they
will find it was all a sham.
The one thing The Kingdom Of God would love to have the press expose,
is how the Presidential election was rigged so Gore would win. But
The Kingdom Of God caused such a turnout and such a heavy Bush vote, that
the fix wasn't strong enough, and Bush won. But still, Bush should've
won the popular vote, too, he should have carried five more states.
The Gore victory in those states was a sham, a fraud! And The Kingdom
Of God would love to have that exposed before the next elections so the
American people would know what the Democrats are capable of for the sake
of power.
The Kingdom Of God would also like to have the press more interested
in John Lennon's Apostleship, and how his efforts have saved mankind.
If not for John Lennon, the Earth would be dying right now, The Spirit
Realm would be collapsing, and there would be no hope of saving mankind
at all. But John Lennon has given us a fighting chance.
September 11th has awoken the American people. They now know
the price of supporting evil. God has permitted a terrible lesson.
He wishes to give no more such lessons, and perhaps, if the American press
continues to be as helpful as they have been, the entire battle can be
won, things can be put back the way they were supposed to be, and mankind
will make it to the stars, as it was intended they would. Maybe, just maybe,
with the help of the press we can win!
We have been asked repeatedly "How could John Lennon's efforts have
been so important? Weren't Jesus and The Apostles and all the other
members of The Kingdom Of God drawing power?" Of course They were!
But The Darkness was eating up Their Power as fast as It was generated.
The American peoples' belief in the lie and their desire for economic prosperity
at any cost, was giving The Dark One (Bill Clinton) control even in The
Kingdom Of God. The tremendous outpouring of love for John Lennon
came at just the right time. It empowered him to be the super glue
that held The Kingdom Of God together, that rallied the people, and helped
Them win back Jesus. That extra supply of Power, that extra supply of faith
and belief rallied the people of The Kingdom Of God to victory. Of
course John Lennon, alone, could not have won the victory, but his additional
power, his additional faith and devotion saved the world. He was
the right person at the right time who did just the right thing.
He stood up and cried "We're NOT beaten! We're NOT finished! If we
stand together we can win, we can't give up!" And guess what? They
won! The Dark One and his harlot thought they had the world in their
control, that they would destroy mankind, but they got a terrible surprise.
There was someone there to break their power, and John Lennon was that
individual. It was not by his efforts, alone, but without his efforts
all would have failed. A great deal of John's power came through
the efforts of his wife Yoko, who kept John's memory alive, and kept his
dream alive in the hearts of his fans. She kept the love for John
going, and John used that love to save the world. Sometimes people
do tremendous work for mankind without even realizing they're doing it.
Heaven needed a hero and Heaven found a hero. But Heaven needs more
heroes, and Its praying they come forth.