What has caused Karen Hughes' sudden departure from The White House?
Could it be the haunting of The White House has become too much for her
to bear? Has it become impossible for her to work in such a positively
charged atmosphere? Very strange that one of Bush's top advisors
suddenly decides to leave just as the haunting begins. John Lennon
was joking and said "Hey, Gerald! There's a sit down job for you!"
I told him "Not a prayer of it! The opposing party would probably
try to impeach Bush if an internationally known psychic was made an advisor
in The White House. They'd be too afraid I might know what they were
I wonder who was on the train in Los Angeles that the dark ones were
trying to get? There's two poor Souls trapped in the dead zone.
Neither one of these victims will be able to enter into The Afterlife,
they're trapped, as long as the dead zones are functioning. What
Getting some nice interviews during my forced time off. Had a
great talk yesterday morning with Chris Kelly at KZII, Lubbock, TX.
He wanted John to write a song for him, but John couldn't do the one he
wanted, so sent him a special one as a surprise, and hopes he likes it.
Finally got to the specialist yesterday, another nightmare experience.
Even he was only able to draw blood from my ankle and couldn't get any
fluid for testing. They took more, however, for other tests.
I got a cute little trainee. She was a delight but couldn't have
any success, so her supervisor had to take over. I'm beginning to
feel like a pin cushion! There's definitely something wrong here,
but the medics can't seem to fix it. The ankle was doing fairly well
but the pain has moved up into the shin, which it usually does for a couple
of days before it all passes away. Hopefully by next week I can get
back to work.
How many people have died in Los Angeles since the dead zones took
effect April 1st, 2,002? Anybody got any idea? We haven't been
able to monitor the obituaries.
President Bush was in South Dakota yesterday. It's too bad he
didn't drop by.
Just a little note to let people know the medics seem to be doing something
right! Slept all night last night without any pain, and woke up this
morning pain free, the first time since Saturday morning. Really
feels good. Hopefully it's a trend.