April 26, 2,002
Why You?

Same old messages, same old complaints, same old questions.  We've been asked "How can you expect anybody to believe the utter nonsense that Jesus and Mary have turned a drug addict and a womanizer like John Lennon into an Apostle who has saved the world?  How can anyone expect people to believe things so ridiculous?"  Well, obviously this person doesn't believe in repentance and salvation as taught by Jesus Christ, who clearly said that "If any man should give up his sin and come and follow me, then I shall make a place for him in Heaven.  For if you obey The Father's wishes, you are one with me."  Or, they don't believe that a man can be born of a virgin who had never known intimacy when He was conceived.  Or, that a man could walk on water, cure the sick and drive out demons.  If a man has no belief in these things, then he can't believe that Jesus and Mary can recognize the powers in one of Heaven's heroes, and bring him to Their Cause, and have him, because he has come to love Them like all in Heaven love Them, fight to keep Them.  If a person believes in The Bible they believe in what They're saying, because everything we're saying is paralleled in The Bible. None of The Apostles were perfect men.  Peter, especially, had many faults, but Jesus gave him the leadership of His Church and he did magnificently!
We have also been asked, not once, but several times, "How can God punish people, deny them power, just because they're following their own conscience and permitting a few social practices that do no harm, whatsoever?"  The matter is simple!  The Kingdom Of God's Teachings are clear and precise.  Certain things are wrong, and if, because of custom, man permits those things,, The Kingdom Of God has no choice but to withdraw Their power from them.  And those who say this never happens, God never does things like this, only has to read The Bible.  Things like this have been done over and over again.  There are certain things that simply are not allowed, no matter how much man wants to make them acceptable, no matter how much they want their perverted children to be accepted, there are some things that simply will not be allowed; prejudice, hatred, fornication, child abuse, parental abuse, none of these will be accepted, no matter how much society says they're o.k. now, they won't be.

And of course the most irritating question that we're getting over and over again, is, "Who made you God?  Who gave you the right to say that everyone else we love is a fake and a cheat because they don't agree with you?  Why can't we believe in someone else whose teachings are just as good as yours, and not prejudicial to those who choose other lifestyles?"  To this question we give the same answer we always give; A Jewish carpenter, who was born in Bethlehem, raised in Nazareth and preached to a nation, and, a humble fisherman from the shores of Galilee who cast away his nets and became a believer and spread what he had come to believe around the world, a courageous and honest merchant, who sat in a cave and was taught by an Angel, and tried to save a people with what he was taught.  Those are the Ones who tell me what to say, who give me Their Power.  And when I am questioned They are questioned, because it is not my words I speak, but Theirs.  I am Their voice.  There is usually only one such true voice each generation, and this time I have been stuck with it.
And I am repeatedly asked, "What of The Pope?"  The Pope is nothing, the leader of a corrupt priesthood whose corruption is being exposed more and more each day.  He is a kind and gentle man, a loving man, who believes greatly, but who is now in a nightmare.  The Catholics do not follow The Way Of God, they follow the traditions of man, and they are virtually of no concern to The Kingdom Of God.  If they survive the false teachings and get to The Gates Of Heaven, and make their renouncements, and  begin to follow God's Way they are welcomed.  If they do not, they are cast out.  It is a tribute to The Kingdom Of God's Power that They make so many of them see the falsity of their church and lead good and decent lives, despite what they have been taught, and enter into The Kingdom Of God.  But those that survive do not do so by what their priests teach them, but by what the voice within teaches them.
We have been asked "What can we do?  What can we do to bring God back to The United States, back to our cities?"  The answer is simple.  The poeple of those communities, one, have to start supporting The Kingdom Of God's Peace Plan For The Middle East.  They have to place ads for it in their newspapers, on their t.v. stations, and on their radio stations, encouraging the public to accept it.  Two, churches in those communities must begin to recognize The Apostleship Of John Lennon, begin to recognize that because Jesus and Mary have empowered him, and because the living have empowered him with their love, he has defeated Bill Clinton and Al Gore, and saved mankind, thusfar.  Thirdly, in order for these communities to have God's Power return to them, the public must rise up against those in their communities teaching their children that sodomistic acts are an acceptable, alternate lifestyle, not in hate, but in righteousness, to protect their children from evil.  They must teach that sodomy is a sickness against The Law Of God, and should not be publicly promoted.
These are the comments being made to us, and these are the only answers we can give.  These are the only things that will bring God back to the American people.  There is no negotiation, there is no compromise, it is either do these things or perish as a people, and perhaps, as a race.  It's that simple, it's that easy! That is the decision each person has to make, rather they will live forever, or die forever. That's it!  That's the choice.  If you do what's right you'll live forever, if you don't you'll die forever, there's no half way in between.
And, as I tell people at work who have any problems with anything I have to say or do, "Don't complain to me, go talk to my boss!  He's the one who gives me my instructions and tells me what to do."  My boss at this moment in this time and space, is Jesus Of Nazareth, and all of Those He has given authority to.  If you've got a complaint, go to Jesus.  Tell Him about it, and He'll answer "Listen to my voice, listen to my teacher. I have instructed him."

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