WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON? By; Patricia Diane Cota-Robles From: New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, Inc, P.O. Box 41883, Tucson, AZ 85717, FAX 520-752-3835. ISBN # 0-9615287-5-3 Paperback. 442 pages. $22.00.
Yet another book by someone who really meant well and tried to help people reach Enlightenment, but received several misteachings and published them in this book. A complicated attempt to get people to take charge of their lives and improve their daily situations, which includes some good basic yoga teachings, and some astrology basics, but weaves them in with some complex ramblings. This book mistakenly calls The Afterlife evil, and also combines it with The Veil Of Tears. It states that there's either the Earth or Heaven, that's it. And, if you communicate with spirits they're souls trapped in the psychic astral plane that can't get to Heaven. They're not Godly beings. The author also claims everyone that's here on Earth chose to reincarnate and is on a special mission, where it is known that only the more advanced Souls can choose where and when to reincarnate. She also mentions when Al Gore was Vice President he was empowered by healing and gave it to everyone whererever he went. This definitely was not true! Anyway, unfortunately another poor attempt at trying to help the world. Definitely not recommended.
**The issue of Voices From Spirit mentioned below is now off line. It will be replaced soon at a new location!**
Reincarnation is a fundamental part of Spiritist belief. How does it work? Why does it work? This early informative Work makes these principles clear and understandable for all. It's well worth the reading.