Saw an interesting feature on Dan Rather the other night, about
people burning corn in their stoves for heat, and it being far cheaper
than natural gas. It brought up the question of how the people on
the Ancient Worlds heated their homes.
Well, on Haven they went through all the systems that humans have used
over the ages. But in the later eras all homes were heated by gas
or oil produced from renewable sources, the two most common being a seaweed
that was grown in the shallow oceans, and a plant that was grown in semi
arid areas with limited irrigation. The oils extracted from these
two products could be refined, and produce both gas and liquid fuels, which
were fed through pipelines to where they were needed to provide heat.
Hydrogen gas was also produced by the use of electricity mixed with the
organic gas and distributed through the pipelines. None of these fuels
in the later ages, were used to produce electricity. There was another means
of doing that. But Havens did not like electric heat. They would
complain it made them uncomfortable, irritated them. So all heat was
provided by combustible fuels.
On Hades all fuels were made from renewable sources, even in the early
ages, as they had no coal or oil deposits they had to learn to use renewable
fuels from the very beginning of their industrial age, which was very beneficial.
It produced far less of the environmental problems that plagued other worlds.
The Peepians, too, went through the different fuel ages, but in the end
they, too, became dependent on renewable fuels. The chief one they used
was hydrogen gas, created by breaking down water with surplus electrical
power. In the later ages this was their chief source of combustible
fuel, as it could be made even from waste water.
It is believed that Earth will eventually follow the pattern of the
other races and as fossil fuels run out, they will turn more and more,
to fuels made from renewable resources, and transmit them to the already
existing pipelines. This would follow an easily recognizable pattern.
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As Custer found out at The Little Big Horn, he wasn't that crazy! A very interesting man! Quite an interview!
Crazy Horse
The most incredible power of all is the to forgive, and this young woman possesses it, greatly. A have to read.
Anne Frank
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