May 20, 2,002
Mercy Hospital Joke

Friday night we saw the biggest joke in history!  PBS was doing a segment on the health care crisis in America.  They were telling how bad the situation was getting in Maine, especially in Portland where we moved from three years ago, and they were talking about Mercy Hospital, which supposedly was leading the campaign in the area for reasonable health care.  We couldn't believe anything so stupid, or, so phony!  Somebody in this hospital was giving the PBS people a real snow job.  This is the same hospital that refused us medical care in their clinic because we wouldn't sign up for Medicaid and told us in the future to use their emergency room, which of course, costs three times more.  These are also the doctors that told my wife the cancer on the side of her head was psoriasis because they didn't want to bother to treat her.  Now all of a sudden these people are the caring health care providers in the area.  It's a sad, sad joke, and we wonder how the people at PBS can be so taken in.  They obviously have not talked to any of the people in the area who have tried to use the hospital's facilities that don't have health care.
There are rumors that The Pope may resign because of medical reasons.  It appears the Roman dead zone is having an effect.  We have been asked what kind of Pope The Kingdom Of God wants.  Well, to put it bluntly, They want a total lunatic, a Pope that will angrily speak out against those who are exposing corrupt priests, saying that these people have betrayed The Church by giving up its secrets.  They want a Pope who will encourage Christians to seize Jerusalem and make it an international city.  They want a Pope that will encourage a Palestinian state.  Why, you ask?  It's simple.  They want a Pope so out of control that he will split The Catholic Church apart, tear it into many feuding fragments, and rise the world up against it.
The Kingdom Of God has nothing against individual Catholics, but They detest the burocracy and, The Priesthood that has virtually destroyed Christianity, and made it a shadow of what it should have been.  They detest those who have taken man's traditions and declared that they are God's Will, and the only way They can bring this church down is to make its leaders so insane, so corrupt, that the world will rise up against them.  They've done this before, over and over, in history. They may well do it again.
Got another one of those weird ones!  Linda has been chatting with someone who says John Lennon muttered something on The White Album and the guy wondered what it was.  We asked John. He had no idea what the person was talking about.  He listened to the whole album in The Afterlife and heard nothing.  He told this individual he had no idea what he was talking about.  He did hundreds of recording sessions, and to expect him to remember what he muttered at the end of one particular session is a little ridiculous.  This individual took great offense and told us not to contact him any more.  John cannot understand how people get fixated on such tiny insignificant little things, and take themselves away from The Light because of them.  This whole incident was silly!  If anybody can tell us where we can find a version of The White Album on the internet with this muttering John would be greatly appreciative, because he'd really like to know what was so damned important.  It was probably something like "Jesus Christ!  I'm glad that's over!  That was the fourteenth take!  I want a cheesburger, or fish and chips!" or something silly like that.  It was not something of profound importance, but he is simply curious.  Somebody has told us that this so called muttering played backwards, was supposed to have said "Paul is dead."  John says without question, he never, ever said on any album that Paul was dead, frontwards, or, backwards!  And this is another stupid thing that he wonders how it ever got started.
Been having a real good weekend, throwing up since Saturday night, but didn't want to go to the emergency room, as the doctor's office visits are costing us $106 every time I go in, and we now owe over $1,400!
Saw the final episode of The X Files last night.  Sorely disappointed, ended awful flat.  They put another prediction in it that according to The Mayans the world would end as we know it, in 2,012 with the arrival of the aliens.  We need to tell people again this isn't going to happen.  The aliens aren't coming, they're already here.  We're fighting them right now.  We're not exactly winning, but we're holding our own.  For the details of what happened with the aliens go to "The Truth Is Here.  It tells all.

The Kingdom Of God's new dead zones in Iran are going very well.  Abadan is already almost fully complete, and They're starting Shiraz today.  It's really strange the Kuwaitis are one of the richest people in the world.  They have a lot of power and influence, yet there is virtually nothing spiritual there, at all.  The Kingdom Of God has drained off all their spiritual power in just a few days!  There seems to be no one there to resist, no one there to try to call back the power.  They simply let it go, seemingly not caring.  There must be some good people there somewhere, but the only question is, where are they?  What's happened to The Arab People? Why are they accepting eternal destruction so willingly?  Some of them must be aware of what is happening, they have to be!  Why are they so willingly choosing Eternal Death?

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