May 8, 2,002
Clinton Help?

It's nice to have influence somewhere!  Linda was saying the other day, she wished our mothers could meet John Lennon and George Harrison.  She was sure they would adore them!  And I said, "Well, too bad they couldn't do a Mother's Day concert for them!"  And John said, "Hey, great idea!  We'll have them there, and dedicate it to them, but it will be for all the mothers in The Afterlife!"  So it's all been set up, and both our mothers are rather overwhelmed, to say the least.  Mine, though she has been in The Afterlife only a short time compared to Linda's mother, is handling the situation very well.  She has already met several influential people, and is adored by everyone, though she still can't quite understand the reason for all the attention she's getting.  But still it should be a delightful time for everybody!
Got an email from a radio station in Cincinnati saying that Clinton (The Dark One) was talking about coming there to try to help in the racial situation.  Look out, Cincinnati!  Hide away all the young girls, lock up all the valuables and stay off the streets!  Jesus wishes He could come, but because of the war between The United States and The Kingdom Of God He cannot.  If only the people of Cincinnati would be the first in The United States to support The Kingdom Of God's Peace Plan, if only all the people there of all races, would get together to save The Kingdom Of God, and, to save mankind, perhaps they would become so busy in that struggle that they would forget their petty little differences and learn how important it is to love one another.  Remember, racism is the dark ones' greatest weapon!  They destroy more people with it than anything else.  Hate is the greatest way they feed.

Got an email from some people talking about a lady who was supposed to have channeled a book from Princess Di.  Princess Di, of course now Queen Diana, says "What book? I haven't channeled any book!"  As we have never seen the thing, we cannot really comment on it, but we understand the lady is trying to get her followers to finance her on a trip to Europe.  If she's sold all these books, why does she need donations to go to Europe?  Duh!  Oh well,
George Harrison is still looking for a publisher for "Wow!"  Maybe we'll have the Spanish version out before the English.  What's the rate of exchange on pesos?  May have to find that out.  Keep you advised on that.  But those publishers that keep refusing us are going to kick themselves some time later when they think of all the money they've lost.

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