June 14, 2,002
Heroes For Texas

Poor Denver and Massachusetts don't seem to have anybody that loves them.  Frank Sinatra is having very good success organizing Those who have died in the Los Angeles dead zone and are trapped there.  But so far no one has presented themself and said that They will go to Colorado and Massachusetts.  But Texas, however, already has a hero before its dead zone even begins!
Sam Houston has gathered nineteen others and They plan to enter the Texas dead zones as soon as they begin.  Mr. Houston has said "No creatures of Darkness will feed on children in the maternity wards of Texas hospitals as long as this Soul of Texas exists!  I will fight for Texas!  I will not interfere with The Lord's efforts to expose the evil in Texas, but with His consent I will protect the innocent.  If I had to die a thousand times for Texas, I would!"
It is going to be a formidable task for Mr. Houston and his associates, but They are formidable Spirits.  Those going with him include William Travis, Jim Bowie, Davy Crockett, and other great Texas heroes.  I don't doubt that They will quickly gather Those who die in the dead zones and organize Them in a resistance against the creatures of Darkness!   They have six days to organize Their efforts.  I wouldn't want to be any one or any thing getting in Their way!
It is too bad, however, we couldn't stop the Texas dead zones before they begin.  Jesus has stated that if radio and t.v. stations in Texas started supporting The Kingdom Of God's Peace Proposal and started asking people to mail post cards to The President, if even a token effort was started He would forgo the dead zones, He would wait and see if it could become a major effort.  But we would have to start seeing post cards flowing, and we only have six days.  Nobody seems to care in Texas, nobody that's alive, anyway.  We can only pray and hope.
Oh, we've heard some of Frank Sinatra's music is going to be re-released.  This would be great!  Interest in him and his music would provide him with energy that he could sorely use as he continues to fight to save Los Angeles.  As John Lennon said in his new song, "We're not done yet!"

FOOTNOTE: Finished this email last night, but this morning got some more news of importance!  Mr.  Houston is not waiting for the dead zones to begin to gather those dying in Texas.  He has already contacted some individuals and asked Them to stay and help in the fight.  And they have actually agreed, the majority of Them anyway.  I can't imagine it, somebody dying, Their Loved Ones coming to get Them, and Sam Houston walking up and saying "Hey, God's going to create two dead zones here in Texas, take away all the spiritual energy.  Demons will be able to feed on children in the maternity wards.  Will you stay and help us fight?" And to have people say yes, it is just phenomenal!  Strong people, these Texans!  Mr. Houston asks all our regulars if you've got associates in Texas, if you've got people in radio and television there, contact them, tell them about us.  Tell them we're not crazy or, we not con artists.  We're for real, and there's a good possibility what we're saying is true.  He says if you do the people of Texas will bless you.  Mr. Houston has already gathered some interesting volunteers; a lawyer, (That surprises us!) a courageous mother and her husband who were in some kind of medical work,  (Their daughter wanted to stay but they wouldn't let her,) plus a great variety of other people.  I still though can't imagine how Mr. Houston is convincing Them to stay!  He must be one persuasive man!


V2 N1, May, 1988, Lot of good stuff in this issue!  On page 1 is the article "Old Way Was Not Gay, " which still is absolutely true today!  And we find this phenomena more and more often; people claiming to be members of The Old Religions saying that The Old Religions permitted perverted behavior, which was totally untrue.  As most of these religions were fertility based, those engaging in activities that did not promote fertility were frowned upon.
On page 2 are Spirits basic Teachings on reincarnation.  All Higher Souls have lived many lifetimes.
Also on this page is an interesting article on Spiritual Healing.  Though not written by a Spiritist the principles mentioned in it are virtually the same as those in Spiritist Teachings.
On page 6 are two Spiritist prayers; one for Mother's Day, and one for Father's Day, which are still current to this day.   Yes, quite a bit to find in this issue!

V2 N2, June, 1988, An interesting issue in that it has photographs of Linda, myself, and our dogs, plus, short biographies about both of us.  The only article in it that could really be called Teachings is on page 4, and called "False Faith." It is one of those incidences that happened to me at work, but it has some profound truths.

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