June 21, 2,002
Success But Sadness

As The Kingdom Of God opens Its new spiritual dead zone in San Antonio, Texas, They are very pleased with the way the rest are working.  The one in Denver, Colorado, has made it hell on Earth.  The greatest fire in the history of The United States is now burning there.  Their efforts in Los Angeles and Massachusetts are also bearing fruit, as well as the dead zones overseas, though Their efforts have not become obvious yet, they are there.  The priesthood in Rome is struggling for its very survival.  They are fighting desperately to keep even more scandals from being exposed that could bring their whole corrupt system crashing down, break it up into dozens of small, insignificant organizations.  Saudi Arabia is on the verge of civil war, as is Iran and Iraq.  It is only The Dark One's (Bill Clinton's) supreme efforts that keep them from falling apart into total chaos.  But sooner or later The Dark One's power will fail and The Kingdom Of God will prevail.
The Kingdom Of God is sad, however, that They are having to be so destructive.  It is not Their nature.  Their nature is to guide and protect Their children, not set up the circumstances for their destruction.  But the living have closed their hearts to Them, they want their way, they want man's solutions, they want the false teachings that they can do whatever they want, make some excuse to get away with it.
The Supreme Court's decision yesterday that the retarded who kill cannot be executed is only another example of the corrupted human philosophy that people are not responsible for their actions, and some means must be found of excusing them when they do evil.  Unfortunately The Kingdom Of God will not accept such philosophies.  A retarded person that kills will not be allowed entry into The Kingdom Of God.  They know right from wrong, they know good and evil.  Their evil will not be permitted because they have deceived the living into thinking they are not responsible.  The living's actions will not protect them, will not help them, but they will destroy them, eternally.  For by keeping them alive they will be increasing the chances that when they finally do die they will suffer The Second Death.  Those protecting the retarded from just and lawful execution are not helping them, they are destroying them, and they will be held accountable for the souls that they destroy.  For they know what they are doing is wrong.  It is far more cruel to keep a person locked up in a cell for the rest of his life, be abused and used by perverts, than to give them a kind and merciful death.
And woe to those who have a retarded person who has killed released, and that person kills again! For they will be held as accountable by The Kingdom Of God as the person doing the killing.  Because this murderer should have never been allowed back on the streets again.
Man's tendency to say anything is forgivable if an excuse can be found is totally unacceptable in The Afterlife by ALL of its societies, not just The Kingdom Of God.  Man has been taught this over and over again, but their constant desire to excuse what their children do, and to have them forgiven closes their hearts to the truth that sometimes they go too far, they do too much.  The tendency of some in The United States to forgive The Palestinians who are murdering Israelis and say "Oh, we have to understand their frustration, we have to understand their desperation, they're not responsible for their actions.  Its The Israelis that are to blame because they won't give them what they want."  People such as these are going to have a shocking time when they reach The Gates Of Heaven and expect to enter in and find they are not welcome.  They will cry, "But Lord! Lord!  I believed in compassion and pity!"  and they will be answered "No!  You believed in greed and hate.  You do not know Us.  Begone!"  How sad it is for those poor souls that excuse evil.  How sad it is for them, indeed!

FOOTNOTE: We finally got the good computer working so we can get back on the internet with it.  It still seems to be having some problems, but at least it's working again!  Hopefully in time, we can get it working at it's full efficiency, but I personally, don't believe Windows 98 is what it's cracked up to be.  We were doing fine with 95.


**The issues of Voices From Spirit mentioned below are no longer on line. They will be replaced soon at a new location!**

V2 N6, November, 1988, Couple of little tidbits in this. On page 3 are Joan Of Arc's comments on the type of clothes young girls are wearing today.  Still is good as when it was written.
On page 4 is the article "Aliens Still Exist On Earth."  Though short it's still to the point. There are aliens among us.  We know that for sure, because we are among them!
Not really much for spiritual teachings in the next couple of issues.
The next real comments are in V2 N9, March,1989,  where I speak of the possibility of an uprising in The United States which is still just as much a possibility as it was then.
V3 N1, May, 1998, has some interesting teachings.  On page 4 is an article encouraging individuals of the different Old Religions to unite in the battle against evil, which is still profound to this day.
On page 10 is an article encouraging people to send post cards to The Supreme Court against the anti abortion campaign, which could still be just as good today.  Spirits Teachings on abortion are still the same.
On page 11 is an article on The Awakening, the most important aspect of The Spiritist Religion, and what many in the world are waiting for.  Its principles have not changed.

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