June 4, 2,002
Jesus Backs Off

As I keep saying over and over again, these are the strangest, strangest times!  Something has happened that is very unusual.  When Jesus sets his mind to do something it is not very often that He changes His course of action.  But a good leader listens to the advice of his subordinates and his friends, and Jesus is a good Leader.
As I have said, we are working on a razor's edge between making the displeasure of The Kingdom Of God known, and destroying mankind.  The Experts in The Spirit Realm studying the situation found that it would be very dangerous to destroy Bush's power base in Texas at this time.  It would give His enemies more power, and would probably cause many of those we wish to defeat in the upcoming congressional elections to be reelected.  It would again give us a government that would be working for The Dark One (Bill Clinton) not for The Light, so Jesus, in His profound wisdom, is backing off on His attacks on Texas.  The dead zones will be established, but Jesus will not personally operate in them, will not personally work to destroy Texas' religious, political, and economic structure.  They will simply put the dead zones in place, and let nature take its course, which is bad enough.
Jesus will not give up the physical form He has inhabited just yet.  He will take up residence in a part of Texas unaffected by the dead zones, and operate from there, using the increased power of this physical form to continue His efforts to have Bush accept The Kingdom Of God's Peace Plan For The Middle East, and end the war with the United States.
It takes no small effort to get Jesus to change His mind.  It borders on the miraculous!  But that He has been persuaded to do so shows how desperate is the current situation, how tragic the circumstances we are now in are.  But we can be grateful, Texas can be grateful that The Kingdom Of God has a wise and wonderful Leader!
As Jesus will not be operating under the full powers of a Lord Of Light, but just working as an ordinary Spirit, which is quite powerful enough, The Lords Of Light will no longer have to practice their two hour and a half shut down a day to give Jesus power.  They will only have to modify Their operations, slightly cut down on Their use of power throughout the day to give Jesus operational energy;.  Everyone feels it will be much better for everybody all around.  With Jesus' agreement not to take an active roll in the dead zones the creatures of Darkness have again agreed to monitor the Texas dead zones, giving us eyes and ears of what's happening there, which will be very, very beneficial.
The new magazine is up.


There will be some small additions in the next couple of days, but all that has been going on in the last month is in there for people to see, and it is something to see!
We can't imagine, we just have no idea what's going to happen next, or how this situation is going to eventually end.  Our hope is mankind will eventually wise up, cast off these creatures of Darkness, and return to Those who love and care for them.  But that's still not a definite yet.  We've got a long way to go before we can say everything is back to normal, the human race is safe.




 In V1 N2 Page 1, are Spirits Teachings on womens' rights.  Here is something that definitely has not changed!  Spirits Teaching is clear and distinct; female equality MUST be gauranteed to every woman on Earth.  The recent horrors in Afghanistan fully show how far we yet have to go to achieve The Lords desires in these matters on Earth.
Also on this page are Spirits Teachings on Spirit communication, which also have not changed.  The belief that there are those that can communicate with The Afterlife is one of the foundation stones of Spiritist Teachings.  Nothing can exist without that fact being realized.  The teaching that the living are shut off from The Afterlife is totally unacceptable to the Spiritist.
On page 3 of this issue is Spirits Teaching on homosexuality in reincarnation.  Again this is something that has not changed.  Individuals do not change gender in reincarnation.  The male Soul is positive psychokinetic energy, the female Soul is negative psychokinetic energy.  The male body has evolved to accept the male Soul, and the female body has evolved to accept the female Soul.  The two are not interchangable.
On page 4 of this issue are Spirits Teachings on profanity, and again, there is no change.  There is absolutely no need of the use of profanity in every day language.  Spirit recognizes that from time to time someone might lose their temper and use improper language, but the use of obscenities in everyday speech is simply not acceptable.  It might be popular, but it is totally unacceptable.  Spirit simply will not have it.
On page 5 of this issue are Spirits Teachings on those who claim perfection, who claim to know everything, and that Teaching has not changed.  Beware of any such individuals!  Have nothing to do with them for they are extremely dangerous!
Also on this page are Spirits Teachings on self expression, and they are simply that people that dress in a provocative manner should not be abused.  They are children who will eventually grow out of these practices and come to understand that it is what is within that matters, and not what is without.  It might be necessary to keep some really erotic individuals out of a congregation but they should never be attacked.  And children should not be taught to hate them, only to understand them.

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