June 10, 2002
K.O.G. Claims Victory In Skakel Case

Kingdom Of God delighted with the conviction of Michael Skakel.  Martha Moxley finally has justice, and The Kingdom Of God has again struck out against The Kennedy Family, who They feel, are so responsible for the current war between The United States and The Kingdom Of God, as they support President Clinton and Hillary (The Dark Ones) against the wishes of The Kingdom Of God, and are part of the plot to destroy mankind by taking Jerusalem away from The Israelis.
The Kingdom Of God feels that this conviction proves beyond a doubt, no matter how powerful you are, no matter how rich, no matter how great your influence, if The Kingdom Of God sets Its mind to get you, They're going to get you!  There will be many more attacks on The Kennedys, more and more of their evil will be exposed!  The Kingdom Of God will not relent, will not back off. The evil that Ted Kennedy has become will be destroyed.  The Kennedys are one of the main reasons for the dead zone in Massachusetts that begins today.
The Kingdom Of God, however, is enraged by Jerry Fallwell's upcoming appearance on a segment of Nickelodeon that will support gay parenting.  They feel his statements on this program are far too conciliatory.  The Kingdom Of God's philosophy against gay parenting is clear and absolute.  It is wrong, and it is evil!  Practicing homosexuals should NOT be allowed to keep children and teach them their perversion.  The sickness that Rosie O'Donnell is spreading with her lifestyle is not acceptable to The Kingdom Of God.  Children in school that come in contact with children who have openly homosexual parents should not have anything to do with them.  They should not abuse them in any way, attack them verbally or physically, but they should not associate with them in a public manner, because this shows acceptance of homosexuality, and no acceptance of homosexuality should be shown, whatsoever.  It is hard when a child is being used as a pawn for those who want to pervert other children, to lead them into their sickness.  But sometimes there is simply nothing you can do but stand fast for what is right, even when it sometimes must hurt the innocent.
To tell a child the parents they love are sick and perverted is difficult, but to not tell that child the truth may well destroy its Soul.  No one should hate homosexuals.  They should encourage no violence against them.  But they should also make it quite clear that what they do is totally wrong and evil, and there is no compromise.  As long as homosexuals stay in the closet, as long as they do not go public, they can be ignored, tolerated, but when they try to say what they do is acceptable, and children should be taught their lifestyle, they must be fought with every ounce of energy that a decent person has.  And any person that does not fight is evil, is harming the innocent.
It is hard, it is difficult sometimes when a person isn't basically bad except for the sickness they have chosen as a sexual practice.  But when evil is accepted it spreads, and the spread of homosexuality must be stopped!  It must return to the dark places where it belongs.
The death of Dee Dee Ramone in Hollywood presents a new danger in the dead zones.  Apparently individuals using illegal drugs in these areas are far more susceptible to overdoses than are people elsewhere, because the creatures of Darkness are so draining their life energy that they cannot withstand even the normal amount of drugs that they have been using.  Drug addicts in the dead zones should be warned that they are in increased danger because of the fact that the dead zones are drawing so much of their vital life essence.  The effects of other common indulgences such as nicotine, alcohol, and caffeine could be greatly increased in the dead zones and cause physical difficulties far quicker than they would outside the dead zones.  Each new aspect of the dead zones shows how dangerous they are more and more, and why they should be avoided if at all possible.  If you live in one of the dead zones, and have the economic means to get out of it, we suggest strongly, you do so!  Of course Ramone is trapped.  He's stuck in the dead zone, and he's not too happy about it, he's not too happy about it at all.
In Friday's email we mentioned how important to The Kingdom Of God those radio stations were that spread Their message during the crisis that nearly destroyed It, how vital the energy was from those individuals that heard us on those stations and responded, how these stations were considered heroes by Those in The Kingdom Of God.  But we must also mention those who got us in contact with those stations, especially Wireless Flash who has so many times mentioned our material and brought it to the public notice.  Without their efforts, also, The Kingdom Of God would have perished, it would have been destroyed, and all of mankind with it.  We must also mention the other networks that have featured our Work; Bit Board, for one, and others who we have sadly lost track of, but who we appreciate none the less.  All those who, in any way spread The Kingdom Of God's message, gave us an opportunity to speak, are praised by The Kingdom Of God.  For without them nothing would exist.  We thank them, one and all!

FOOTNOTE:  Got the bill for the ambulance ride; $688.00 for nine miles, but it was apparently necessary because after all the tests they've found that there's no blockage but there are signs that I did have a minor heart attack.  Fun, fun!  With all the time I lost and all the bills coming in we're just going to have to put some of the payments on our credit cards.  We're going to be a couple of years paying all this off.  Remember, I only make about $900.00 a month on average.  Hopefully from now on I'll be able to work all my hours. We can only wait and see!

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