August 5, 2,002
1 A. M.

Got another comment.  It said "Got ya!  You said you're infallible, but in your comments about the two girls being abducted in California, you said they were kidnapped in broad daylight, when they were kidnapped at 1 a.m.  That's not broad daylight!  And what would kids be doing in a lover's lane at 1 p.m.?  Your information isn't always accurate."
Duh!  What I said was that the information from The Kingdom Of God was always accurate.  We got that information from a news service, and it must've been a misprint, because it said 1 p.m. so we concluded that this incident had happened in the day time.  And as for young people at a lover's lane at 1 p.m., this individual obviously never worked night shifts when he was young, and could only take his girl out in the afternoon.  I guarantee you where I came from there were many young couples in the local parking spots at 1 p.m., sometimes more than there were at 1 a.m.  And what in the hell were two young ladies doing out on a lovers lane at 1 a.m.?  It's a terrible thing to say, but they were almost asking to be kidnapped.
Let's all just be glad this idiot, this piece of filth, took these girls outside the dead zone, so when the deputy sheriffs finally killed him he suffered the fate he justly deserved and quickly succumbed to The Second Death and is not lingering to do any more evil.
Speaking of dead zones, Jesus is irate that President Bush is going to Texas...and I mean IRATE, enraged, furious, and a couple of other phrases decency does not permit me to put here.  President Bush knows about the dead zones.  He knows that Jesus is in Texas.  He knows about The Kingdom Of God's Peace Plan, and won't act on it.  Jesus feels Bush is directly challenging Him, directly pitting His Earthly political power against Jesus' Heavenly spiritual power, that Bush is saying in essence, "I don't care about you, what you want doesn't matter, I'm going to do my Earthly political thing.  I know better." This is a very dangerous attitude to take, a very dangerous path to follow because Jesus will take action, because He has taken action.  And once He puts things in motion it is sometimes very difficult to stop them, to turn them off.  Once He puts something in motion, even if the people repent it may be too late to stop some things from happening.
John Lennon says in one of his songs "Don't make Heaven mad!"  The Son Of God is Heaven, and anyone deliberately antagonizing Him is asking for more trouble, for more pain than they can possibly imagine.  Every Israeli death enrages The Kingdom Of God and Jesus more and more, every murder of one of Their children increases Their frustration.  Their patience is running out.  Remember how powerful Phaerao thought he was, remember how powerful the Biblical Kings thought they were, but The Kingdom Of God brought them all down.  Political power is nothing, it's a joke!  But man thinks it is all there is.  They think wrong!

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