September 27, 2,002
Jesus Is Calling

Linda and Jesus are working very hard to get the next installment of  "Here's Jesus!" ready.  Though it's tiring me out terribly, we working on it.  But what Jesus would really love is some audio from our regulars.  Call Linda up and ask some questions.  We'll record them, then put them in the old system and Jesus will answer them.  Come on, people!  Wouldn't you like an opportunity to ask The Son Of God a question and have everybody hear the answer?  It's no fun unless other people take part.  Though this is rather serious we want it to be something people can enjoy, and say "I was able to help in this incredible thing!  I am a friend of Jesus!"  It may sound silly, but you have no idea how much this would please The Son Of God. Every little confirmation lately that people still care increases the power of Heaven incredibly.  Send Linda an email, arrange your time.  Answer The Son Of God's call.  Be part of this incredible thing.  Help it grow.  Help it spread.  We're getting all kinds of visits on our web site.  Somebody's listening to the demo, and we're getting comments from people we've never heard of.  But still we don't have one station yet that wants to share what Jesus  is giving.  There's got to be somebody out there that feels the Angels touching them and knows this is true, that it is the work of The Son Of God!
Linda got a package from a friend with some used shirts that were like brand new, and were desperately needed because many of hers are simply falling apart.  It will save us quite a bit of money.  The lady may be able to send some more stuff later.  The shirt Linda's wearing now makes her look like Little Dot in the cartoons!  It's really cute!  We are both in need, however, of new pants, and I need boots for winter.  It's pretty cold waiting at the bus stop when it's 40 below, in sneakers.  We're slowly making progress on the medical bills, but we still haven't heard from the hospital yet if they're going to discount my bill and put it in range where we could pay it.  And I'm still having medical problems, which we can't have seen to because we simply don't have the money.  But we're hanging in there and trying to keep everything going.
Oh, The Kingdom Of God wants me to mention that they are irate with The Democrats for trying to politicize the war with Iraq, that they are going after President Bush and trying to stop the effort just for something to attack, and that they keep blaming him for the economic situation THEIR policies caused.  It is little wonder that almost every one of the leaders of this party are on The Kingdom Of God's list for eternal damnation, for The Second Death.  Wake up, people!  See what is going on, and start telling these people "Hey, we're fighting for our lives!  Stop playing politics and start supporting The President!  This isn't a political game!"  They're also angry that The United States is condemning Israel for going after Arafat.  How many of Their children does this butcher have to kill?  How much are The Children Of God expected to take?  HIs hands are dripping with blood, the blood of children.  The murder of Israelis must stop, it WILL stop!
This ends today's transmission.

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