September 27, 2,002
Down On The Floor Laughing

Linda was doing her weekly check of the internet to see if she could find any new mentions of us when she came across something hilarious, as far as John Lennon is concerned...a gentleman that claims to be channeling songs from him.  As John listened to some excerpts he literally went down to the floor laughing; a habit he has.
 "Give me a break!"  John finally managed.  "This guy is cute, some of his stuff is fair, but anybody with any common sense would know it's not mine!  Demetrius got my voice better when I was coming through him.  If this guy is actually picking anybody up from The Afterlife it's probably the guy that has been impersonating me.  But this isn't my work.  The only one I have been channeling any music through is Linda.  All these others have been working with an impostor who has been claiming to be me for some years.  Actually, he's fairly good, a talent in his own right, but I don't think this guy is picking him up.
Anyone that even hints I forgive the man that murdered me is not channeling anything from me!  This is how people can easily tell.  If they say I forgive, they're fakes, because I don't forgive, and I'm waiting for that man to stand in Judgment, because I will send him to Hell!"  That ends John's comments.  If you want to check this guy out here's his page.

**This web site no longer exists as of 5/10/11.**

Have you ever had one of those reoccurring dreams that keeps being added to night after night?  I'm having one.  I keep dreaming I've been recalled to active duty and The President insists I move to Washington before I go to the front.  He lets us stay in The Lincoln Bedroom until we can find a place near The White House.  There's no apartments available so we acquire an old store, put our offices downstairs, and our living quarters upstairs.  There's no bathtub so we put in a hot tub.  I'm assigned one obnoxious secret service agent who does not like me because The President allows me to carry a pistol in The White House.  "He shouldn't have it!"  the man keeps saying, "He's not secret service!"  But The President keeps saying "He's more secret service than anybody ever has been!"  I'm also pestered by one obnoxious senator because I won't have anybody of his chosen lifestyle on my staff, nor will I attend any meetings which he is taking part in.  He even tries to take The President to court and keep me from taking command because I am so prejudice to those of his lifestyle!  Aren't dreams the strangest things?  I can imagine the psychiatrists picking this one apart!  Where would Freud find the sexual input in this one?
Got a cute email.  Somebody said "Well, if this channeling is so important from Jesus why don't you hire a radio station and play it yourself?"   We can't even pay our bills, how are we gonna hire a radio station?  We got a good laugh out of that one!  Obviously someone hasn't been reading our emails very well!
The documentary film about our work with John Lennon during the 2,000 Presidential Election "Where Has Eternity Gone?" will be screened at the Orinda Film Festival, Orinda, California, this weekend.  We hope it does well.  Barney Snow will not be able to attend though his trip to Africa was canceled.   We'll have to wait for a report on that one.

FOOTNOTE:  I'm sure somebody noticed yesterday's email was misdated.  Linda's finger slipped and it was never noticed.  Nothing of any great cosmic significance, a simple typing mistake.

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