September 30, 2,002
Brothers say "Stop Teddy!"

John and Robert Kennedy came to my Worker with a message this weekend asking people to turn against their brother Teddy, that he didn't know what he was doing, that he was destroying the world.  They also asked us to send an open message to an individual which we were going to do at first, but then realized that if we did we would be putting this person's life in intimate danger.  So we were forced to delete all trace of that message from our email.  Sometimes when someone has the power they cannot always bear the messages that people want them to give for the sake of the safety of others.  But all three of The Kennedy Brothers and the rest of their family in The Afterlife are simply sickened by Teddy's actions.  They believe he has destroyed the honor of their family beyond question, that they have virtually nothing left.  All the good they have done has simply been wiped away by his continuing ignorance.  It is a sad thing to watch when the greatness of a family is destroyed by its last living relative. What a shame when this one stands in Judgment and his own rejected.  It is more terrible to the lost than having The Lord reject them.
Was messing with our newer computer Sunday trying to get the recording system going so we can use it for "Here's Jesus!" if the one in the old computer gives out.  We can only edit one segment on the old computer and it crashes.  We have to shut it down, reboot it, to do another section.  It's a real pain.  We're afraid one time, it isn't going to come back.  One of the reasons that John Lennon hangs around us so much is he loves our humor, so while I was recording stuff he said "Hey!  Do Senator Squashwath, like you're interviewing him for Voices!"  So I did.  I was going to dump the results and John said "No! No!  Put them up somewhere.  Share them with your associates."  So I said "O.k., we'll put them up for a couple weeks somewhere so our friends can log onto them and enjoy them."  But these are not for rebroadcast, they're only for the private enjoyment of our associates.  Squashwath is a copyright character and I have no idea who he belongs to.

(This material is no longer available.)

Kingdom Of God very disappointed Israelis withdrew from Arafat's headquarters without finishing him off.  The world has got to stop putting pressure on Israel.  They've got to stop protecting Arafat.  His day is done, his evil must stop and the world must let Israel protect itself.  Those who defend Arafat will pay the price!
This ends today's transmission.

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