October 7, 2,002
John Lennon's Birthday Bash

Some were quite upset when we said Friday that the sniper shooting people in the Washington area may be an American working for Al Quaida.  Some people have said "That's impossible!"  Unfortunately nothing is impossible.  At a thousand dollars a kill there are too many out there that would go to work for Al Quaida.  This is a profile that The Kingdom Of God suggests the authorities in Washington look for.  A man about in his thirties who has had military experience, probably dishonorably discharged for drug offenses or sexual offenses, or, both.  Might be white but is more likely colored or hispanic.  Probably has served in combat, most likely The Gulf War.  Has likely been a mercenary in some foreign country, may be terminally ill.  There is a high probability that the shooter in the Washington area will fit this profile, as it is the type of person that Al Quaida operatives are looking for.
There was a big bash Sunday in The Kingdom Of God to celebrate the anniversary of the release of The Beatles' first single and John Lennon's birthday all thrown in together.  Besides Beatles & Friends three of the most popular rock groups in The Afterlife performed.  As the old expression goes, it was a rollicking good time!  Everybody was simply delighted!  We even popped over during the night and sang a few songs, especially the comedy numbers.  It was just a high old good time to let off some of the pressure everybody has been under.
Our recording problems with "Here's Jesus!" may be solved!  An associate sent us a new program for our old computer that had a new recording system in it.  It has one drawback, it has no seconds counter.  But aside from that it's a much better system than the old one and doesn't keep crashing every time we do something, which speeds up the work tremendously.  If we can afford to keep the internet and the telephone we may be able to keep "Here's Jesus!" going.  Now, somebody wants us to do a CD of the segments every month or so.  We're going "Yeah!  We can't even get John Lennon's music done!"  But maybe somebody will pick up the service and actually start broadcasting "Here's Jesus!"  We inquired with local stations about buying an hour Friday evening, but nobody has replied.  I guess they don't take us seriously.
But I'll tell you someone Jesus takes seriously, and that's Jerry Fallwell.  He is very angry over his comments about Muhammed.  Jesus says "If anyone wants to know why I have Demetrius and Alura speak for me, look at this trash that calls himself a man of God, and they will know why.  And look how many sick and perverted followers he has that listens to his ignorance and still sends him hundreds of thousands of dollars a year!  This is why I need my rocks and stones, this is why I need my true voices.  I remove Jerry Fallwell from The Book Of Life, I remove anyone that sends his organization one dollar from The Book Of Life, for in their ignorance they are sustaining evil."

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