November 20, 2,002
Jesus' Son

Not much new.  The only thing going on in The Afterlife is that John Lennon wrote a song about the upcoming war with Saddam Hussein which has everybody in The Afterlife in stitches!  Everybody is just singing it and laughing and laughing! It's based on the old song from World War Two "We Did It Before And We Can Do It Again" but in this one it refers to kicking Hussein's butt.  Where we don't want to be accused of plagiarism again we won't be bothering to release the lyrics.  But everybody's probably got a pretty good idea what they'd be like.
Next week's "Here's Jesus!" is going to start off with a bang!  In the first segment Monday, Jesus reveals the name of His son and talks about him quite a bit, something your listeners surely would be interested in.  A lot of other good stuff through the whole week.  So be looking for our email Saturday for the promo page.
Jesus is still concerned about the woman that sent the email about the unbaptized child and wishes she would contact Him again, as The Angelic Agents were unable to trace the vibrations back to their source.  Unfortunately we can't always trace messages received.  The Angelic Messengers can follow every message we send and be with those receiving them, but oftentimes the connection on return messages is too weak for Them to follow, and they lose the vibration in the internet network.  Jesus is really concerned that this person is going to do something desperate and wants to help her.  So if you have any idea who this person might be, contact her and have her email us again.

FOOTNOTE:  Got some good news this weekend!  The hospital is forgiving over 2/3rds of our bill.  We will only owe about $1,100 instead of over $3,000.  This is certainly a help!  But we will still be more than a year paying this off, if then.

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