December 30, 2,002

With all the victories we are having something has happened that has depressed Jesus terribly.  One of our associates that has called us several times in the last couple of years tried the prayer to have Jesus come and bear witness for us.  Jesus came and spoke directly to him, and the man heard Him as clearly as he was an ordinary person standing in the room speaking to him.  Jesus was delighted!  But then what the man did totally perplexed and saddened Him. The man went "Oh, my God!  They're real!  They're not a joke! They're real!"  He took our card out of his calling list and tore it up, brought up his computer, and made a note in it never to call The Polleys again, never to mention them again in any way, and shut off the computer, muttering, "Oh, my God!"
Jesus is totally perplexed!  He simply cannot understand.  This man still believes that when he dies he will get into The Kingdom Of God.  He still believes what he has done will be acceptable. Jesus reached him, Jesus touched him, he believed, and he still rejected Jesus.  He still thinks he will get the rewards Christians are promised.  Jesus simply does not understand.  As a matter of fact, neither do I.  Maybe someone else can explain it to me.  I'm at a complete loss.
Someone has obviously been going through our material.  They asked for a couple of updates.  They wanted to know if Mohammed Atta was still trying to destroy Hussein's liver. Every day, every hour, every minute.  His entire focus of existence is to destroy Hussein.  He is unrelenting. This person also asked, "Are the demons in Hollywood still feeding on Jay Leno and people visiting The Tonight Show?"  The answer is yes, but only once a month or so. The creatures of Darkness are so gorged in the dead zones that they simply cannot feed any more, they have reached their capacity and are going berserk because there is so much nourishment for them, and they can't use it all!  It's a very strange phenomena for those observing the situation to see!
And speaking of the dead zones, another frightening aspect of this phenomena has presented itself.  There was a wide gap on The Saudi Arabian Peninsula too far for the dead zones to bridge, so a dead zone has started up all by itself and has reached almost full size!  Bridges have joined it to the other dead zones, on The Saudi Arabian Peninsula, making the connection complete.  The lower part of the peninsula is now completely encircled!  The fact that The Saudi Arabians have agreed to let the Americans use their bases, and air space seems to have had no effect whatsoever. The agreement took far too long and far too much pressure from The United States.  The drain of life energy from The Peninsula continues to grow.
Jesus continues His haunting of President Bush.  He will not give up. But this incident has really hurt Him, it has hurt Him very much. The hopes of a slam bang glorious New Year's celebration in The Afterlife are completely gone.  The latest betrayal of Jesus has seen to that.  Everyone is still totally shocked with this occurrence and two things that have occurred that seem to be connected with it.  One, the two dead zones in Texas have bridged.  The area between them is becoming a dead zone.  And to everyone's horror a small dead zone has opened in downtown Chicago!  It goes out three miles in all directions from city hall.  It does not appear to be growing but it is fully functional.  There is no spiritual or life energy anywhere within it.  Chicago was meant to be the next spiritual dead zone in The United States, but The Forces Of The Kingdom Of God did not open this dead zone in Chicago!   It is being monitored very carefully
It has also been noted that Las Vegas has suddenly become a negative zone.  The portal there is no longer feeding ectoplasmic energy into The Afterlife, but is sucking it out!  This is a forerunner of creating a dead zone, the first step before sealing off a portal.  Again The Kingdom Of Go is not doing this.  They do not want a spiritual dead zone in Las Vegas at this time.  It is absolutely shocking that a single betrayal of The Lord Of Heaven can trigger such results, but these things began to occur only hours after this betrayal took place.  Somehow this gap must be bridged. Someone must be found to take this person's place!  But we simply do not know who or, where!

FOOTNOTE: The energy from this unexpected dead zone in the Middle East has to be shunted somewhere, so it is being sent to Ellsworth, Maine, not one of The Kingdom Of God's favorite places, but we need to fortify that area against the dead zones combining in the northeast.  I can't say it enough, these are the strangest, strangest times!



Got a question pertaining to The Old Worlds some time back and have not had an opportunity to answer it.  We were asked, "I've been through your writings and several times you mention dead worlds.  Aren't all The Old Worlds dead?  How do these worlds differ from those you came from?"
Well, interesting question!  The dead worlds were planets that had been discovered as we explored space.  The Havens found 7 of them, and The Hashons found 3, making a total of 10.  They were worlds that had once had thriving civilizations, but when they were found were completely dead.  A couple of them still had some vegetation, but all animal life had disappeared from all of them, and, in some cases, the worlds were completely barren, in one way or another their inhabitants had destroyed all life there.  These worlds were literally dead!
This is what we were referring to in these writings, these sad, sad places where the people were so unwise they destroyed everything, much the way Earth is going today.

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