January 31, 2,003
A Lesson From The Past

People often wonder why I am so against racism, why I will not tolerate racist people around me, I won't let them express their opinion in my presence, why I get so mad when someone says we're racist because we don't support homosexuality.  Because I have seen the ignorance of racism first hand.  Let me tell you a little story from my past.
I was fourteen years old and working in one of the area's more exclusive restaurants. And before anyone asks, yes, I was underage and working with someone else's social security card.  But we needed the money.  My mother was having hard times.  Anyway, this place was so big it had two managers, one in the restaurant, one in the bar.  The bar manager had a southern drawl so thick you could cut it with a knife and seemed to be a fairly decent guy.  He kept asking one of the waitresses that worked there to go out with him.  I mean, this girl was gorgeous, one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen!  She'd put any fashion model to shame.  But she wouldn't go out with this guy.
Finally one day she told him "Look, you wouldn't go out with me.  My grandmother was African." You could not believe this man's change of attitude towards this young woman.  He began to act extremely hateful to her.  The boss warned him on more than one occasion to calm his attitude, but the man could not be reasoned with.  FInally, one day, the waitress took an order out into the bar for one of this guy's buddies and he said something to her, I never did find out exactly what, but it was inappropriate.  She told him off.  The manager walked over and slapped her across the face calling her a name and saying "Who do you think you are to talk back to a white man?  You don't do that!" and he called her the name again.  The boss came charging into the bar and said "That's it!  You're done! You're outta here, you're fired!"  "No way!"  the man screamed.  "You're not firing me for disciplining a colored person!" This wasn't the word he used, I'll leave that to you.  "You're not firing me for keeping her in her place."  "Get out!" the boss screamed.  "No!" the manager answered.  Five of us grabbed him.  I had a leg, another guy had the other leg, there was a guy on each arm and the boss held his head so he didn't hit it on anything, while someone else held the doors.  We took him out into the parking lot and unceremoniously dumped him onto the ground then kept him there 'til the boss got a shotgun and stood on the porch to make sure that he didn't come back in.  He wouldn't leave and a deputy sheriff finally had to come arrest him and remove him from the property.
I could not stand such ignorance when I was fourteen years old, and I can't stand it now.  Anyone that thinks they can abuse other people because they're of a different race, or, a different religion is perverted and sick.  And when any accuse me of being that way because I don't support a mental illness, a sickness, a perversion, it makes me really, really angry.  I have seen the evil of men at its worst.  I have seen men at their best, and I prefer the company of the best!  If people don't like that that's too bad!
Well, it's time for the old financial report!  Not too good this year.  Our personal expenses were $17,916.61.  Our personal income was $12,123.16   That leaves a personal deficit of $5,793.45.
We spent on Voices this year, $871.19.  We took in $275.00.  That leaves a deficit of $596.19.  Those people that keep sending emails saying that we're enriching ourselves by using the names of famous people don't know what they're talking about!  Of course most of our expenses this year were caused by our medical problems which hopefully will be kept in control but will be a constant expense.  We can only struggle on.
A report has been prepared on what happened at The White House yesterday.  John Lennon came to the rescue again!  For details click here;



Did The Shuttle Hit A Dead Zone?

As America sits in shock of the space shuttle disaster we have already got several emails from associates asking if the spiritual dead zone in the Dallas, Texas area had anything to do with the shuttle breaking up.  We do not know for sure.  It has been noticed that high speed aircraft penetrating the dead zone barriers sometimes shiver, indicating that there is a physical effect when something penetrates the barrier zones.  The only thing we can tell people is that the dead zones go out one hundred miles from their point of origin, that includes one hundred miles up.  They then slope down to the ground until they meet the leading edge.  So, directly over Dallas the dead zone is one hundred miles up, fifty miles from Dallas it's fifty miles up, twenty-five miles from Dallas it's twenty-five miles up.  If the shuttle passed over Dallas and was less than 100 miles up it penetrated the dead zone barrier.  If this penetration was enough to bring it down we don't know.  If it might have destabilized the shuttle enough that it became disoriented and then broke up, we don't know.  We can only tell people where the danger zones are.
As we keep saying this is an entirely new phenomena. It's never been seen before, it's never been done before.  We don't exactly know what will happen in any given situation.  But that the shuttle came down in such close proximity of a spiritual dead zone is very disturbing!  We will have to leave it to the experts to determine rather the shuttle hit the dead zone or not. But it is very, very odd that this disaster happens at this location.  None of these people on the shuttle were at odds with The Kingdom Of God.  It's too bad their governments were and this dead zone exists.  We want so much to shut them down, but those in the material world simply won't cooperate. They prefer their way, and the innocent often pay.

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