April 9, 2,003
Hussein The Looseane

Not much new to report from The Afterlife except for one very humorous situation.  John Lennon has written a new song that everybody in The Afterlife is singing.  During one of his impromptu concerts from his balcony a member of the audience asked "John, give us a song expressing how the Iraqi soldiers feel right now."  John thought a moment then said "They probably feel something like this," and began to sing "Hussein The Looseane" Within moments the crowd was roaring with laughter.  Within hours everybody in The Afterlife was singing the song, but John can't record it because it contains a word that The Kingdom Of God does not approve of, a slang word for intimacy that is repeated several times in the song.  To tell you the truth, I won't even let Linda sing it!  So kindly do not call and ask.  It is just something that his hilariously funny, is kind of cute, but which we simply cannot use because it is completely outside of our protocol of decency, and we will not violate The Kingdom Of God's principles of decency.
And before you  ask, John explained to me that looseane means somebody whose sanity is loose, not everything is working.  He says it's something he picked up from one of his children years ago which he always liked, so he used it in this little number.  Children seem to be the source of a lot of  his lyrics.

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