April 15, 2,003
"All My Children" Damned

Found an email in my box this morning from someone that called himself Paul.  It said "Visited your web site.  You people are sick!  You are disturbed.  You need help.  My love is just as good as anybody else's.  I have a right to feel the way I feel.  You have no right to tell me I can't.  Who in the hell do you think you are to tell other people how to live?  Get this trash off the internet!  Stop spreading your sickness.  Leave decent people alone that are different from you.  They're not perverted, you're perverted.  They're not sick, you're sick, and you should seek help.  I'm going to complain about your web site.  I'm going to get you off the internet!  You have no right to have this stuff up, and I'm going to do something about it."  Then, to make things even greater this morning what's one of the major stories in the news?  Daytime television to feature its first lesbian kiss.  The Kingdom Of God was enraged!  Lord Peter asked me to again make Their feelings on the subject absolutely clear.
Homosexuality is sick.  It is a mental disorder.  Those who practice it destroy their bodies, their minds, and their souls.  Those that openly teach it corrupt children, destroy children by leading them into their perversion.  It is not acceptable.  Any church that allows homosexuality, that teaches its acceptance, is not of God, is not empowered by God, but is empowered by the creatures of darkness.  None who accept homosexuality are allowed into The Kingdom Of God.  None that practice homosexuality are allowed into The Kingdom Of God.  If they repent this evil, if they denounce it, and have done no other evils they are permitted to enter into The Kingdom Of God.  But those who teach the seduction of children are not of God, and are not accepted by God, no matter how much their sickness has become popular and acceptable among the living.  The Kingdom Of God does not care about the living's desires, They do not care about the evils they want to do.  Their policy is set by what is right and, what is wrong, and homosexuality is wrong, no matter how much the parents of a pervert want them to be accepted, what they are doing is evil, what they are doing is wrong, and they cannot be accepted.  It's that simple.
Unfortunately very few that support homosexuality are not involved in even greater evils, do not do even more horrible things.  Most do not even get to The Gates Of Heaven, do not even have an opportunity to repent their evil and enter in.  Most suffer the second death before they even reach The Land Of The Blessed.  So when you choose to support sickness you are choosing eternal death, you are throwing away your eternal life.  We sincerely hope you make the right choice, but we will not condone those that make the wrong choice and say what they do is acceptable.
The Kingdom Of God does hereby condemn all the cast of All My Children to eternal death as they feel it is necessary to pervert and destroy children, to show them sickness and encourage them to accept it, their eternal life is taken away.  Enjoy this lifetime, enjoy your perversion because it is all you will ever have.  And this is an order from The Ruler Of Heaven, Himself, from Jesus Of Nazareth, called The Christ.  "If you do not choose to walk off the stage, if you do not refuse to be a part of this sickness, you are damned, no question, no doubt, no mercy, no pity.  You are damned!" And that is from The Son Of God.

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