April 18, 2,003
Good Chance Hussein Gone

Got a pretty good indication Hussein is dead.  The demon that has befriended Mohammed Atta came to us with Atta in tow begging us to put him in flesh, to give him a second chance at life and promised to stay with him until his new body died, keeping him on the right path, keeping him again, from doing evil.  We made the usual offer, but the demon would not accept.  "Too many times have you fought me, Father Of Fathers," he argued.  Too many times you have destroyed my works, my followers.  I will not serve you.  But if you give this one a chance for Eternal Life I will be too busy caring for him to be about any mischief.  It will be almost the same as serving you."
We simply could not pass up the opportunity to take such a creature of Darkness out of circulation for forty years or so!  So, we granted his request.  The demon would not tell us if Hussein was dead or not, saying that was for our petty little worms to tell us.  But that Atta has left his mission to destroy Hussein is a very good sign that Hussein is either dead or so powerless he doesn't matter any more.  We consider this a considerable victory, and it could  not have been done without the power given to us by all those who let the world know what we are doing.  Even though Baghdad is a dead zone, there is so much good growing there that the creatures of Darkness are leaving it.  An incredible happening!
John Lennon has updated his "Hussein's Butt Song" to the past tense, and had Linda re-record it.  It still makes him very sad that the American soldiers won't sing it, that nobody likes it.  But it is a gift for them, anyway, that he hopes somebody will like!


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