April 21, 2,003
Jesus Says "Blair Or Me!"

I must report an incredible happening this morning.  No Easter services were planned in The Kingdom Of God, but early this morning I was summoned to The Holy Of Holies.  As I arrived The Twelve Apostles were waiting there.  Immediately the ram's horn began to sound, calling the people to worship.  This was quickly followed by the ram's horn sounding throughout The Kingdom Of God.  But the Heralds did not give the usual call.  Instead They called "Hear you, hear you!  All The Kingdom Of God!  The Lord calls you come to The Places Of Worship, for He would speak with you."
In a few minutes The Holy Of Holies was filled.  Lord Peter told The Angelic Choir to sing three songs;  "Glory, Glory To God Forever," "Oh, Precious Gift That We Have Been Given," and "He Is The King Of Kings."  When this was done, to everyone's astonishment Jesus appeared and ascended to Lord Peter's Tower Of Announcements.  There was absolute silence throughout all The Kingdom Of God.
Jesus began to speak, saying "I have called you here to make a profound announcement.  The dark forces have centered their power on a new champion, a new leader, and have directed him to destroy The Kingdom Of God.  That leader is Tony Blair, Prime Minister Of England.  It has become his purpose to deceive the living and, to destroy Israel, to tear it asunder, and give it to the Arabs for the sake of false peace.  All the powers of the dark forces are focused on him.  He is the prime instrument of their power on Earth.  He is the focal point of their desire to destroy mankind by destroying The Covenant Between God And Man.  This cannot be allowed!  This cannot be endured!  So, at this moment, at this hour, I am declaring to The Kingdom Of God and, the world, that I am pitting myself against Tony Blair.  That I am beginning a one on one struggle to destroy him and his political machine, to bring him from power and, crush his efforts to destroy Israel.
I am personally leading the attack.  It is literally Blair or myself.  It is a struggle for the very existence of everything we love, and we will put everything we have into that struggle!  Our other struggles will continue, but every excess bit of energy that we have will be directed to destroying Blair and his political machine.
We will not be attacking the English people, themselves.  The greater majority of The English People are with us, though the media in that country is spreading false reports that most of them approve of tearing Israel apart and giving it to The Palestinians, in reality most of them know what this will mean, and, oppose it.  We will do all in our power to protect the innocent in England, but the movement that Blair is leading to destroy Israel must be stopped, and I will stop it!  Or, I will sacrifice myself in the effort.  I will give everything I have got until there is nothing left because if I fail there will be nothing left.  If Blair and his associates succeed  and give Jerusalem to The Palestinians mankind is doomed.  All we have worked for is lost.  Everything is gone.  So it is Blair, or, it is me.   There is no other choice.  It is victory or, it is death eternal.  There is nothing in between.
I ask for the unquestioned support of every single member of The Kingdom Of God.  There can be no discussion, there can be no argument.  There can be nothing in between.  Failure is not an option.  We must succeed.  This dark force must be destroyed.  Those who would give away our heritage for political gain must be stopped!  I will give my all, I will give all I have to give.  I will hold nothing back, and I ask every person in The Kingdom Of God to back me 100%.  I give you leave, I go now to join the battle, and I will not return from it until I have victory."
With that Jesus descended from The Tower Of Announcements and disappeared.  For several moments there was an oppressive silence, then Apostle Designate John Lennon raised his fist into the sky and cried "Victory for Jesus!"  All The Apostles around him joined in the cry, and soon it rang throughout The Kingdom Of God.  These are the strangest, strangest times!  I would not want to be a member of The Labor Party in England.  If they offered me a billion dollars to support them I would tell them "Not a prayer!"  I would get as far away from any member of The Labor Party as I could get for each and every one of them is now a target for The Kingdom Of God.  If they've got the least little weakness, if they're involved in the least little bit of illegality The Kingdom Of God will be after them.  They will be exposing anything and everything They can expose!  You couldn't get me near number 10 Downing St.  If I lived in the area I'd move!

FOOTNOTE:  John Lennon has revised his song, "Come On, England, Scream And Shout!"  for the campaign against Blair, and wishes it could be gotten to England, that the English people would support Jesus and The Kingdom Of God and use it as their theme song.  John's music is the greatest weapon we have, it generates more power than anything else we do, and right now we need all the power we can get.

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