April 25, 2,003
It's Only Land

Sadly we're losing a friend in England.  She simply doesn't understand what is happening, why The Kingdom Of God is turning against Blair.  She says this isn't her Jesus, her Heaven.  She can't believe it is happening.  She says Israel is only land, and it doesn't matter.  How sad it will be when she enters The Afterlife and is asked "Why are you here?  You said this isn't your Heaven.  The word of God doesn't matter to you.  The promises God made to the people do not concern you."
 It is so easy for people to give away something that does not belong to them, to say "Oh, it doesn't matter.  These people are selfish.  We have a right to a little bit of land and they can't tell us that we can't do with it what we want!"  Unfortunately The British have had this attitude for a long time.  The Middle East would not be in the condition it's in, had not The British taken the land from who it rightfully belonged and given it to others who politically supported them.  This is why we're in the mess today.  If The Europeans had not divided up The Middle East into political groups rather than ethnic groups most of the problems we have today would not exist.  Many in The Middle East are justifiably crying "Give us back our land!  Restore our nations!  Not just Israel, but The Kurds and others whose land has been used as political pawns for centuries with this Empire and that."
The Kingdom Of God is trying to correct these injustices, just as much as it is trying to correct the injustice that has been done to Israel.  Britain has had the power to correct these injustices several times.  It chose to play political games instead.  Now The Kingdom Of God must take drastic action to correct those errors.  It is sad that people simply do not understand.  Those in The Afterlife see Their mistakes and understand Their errors, and are trying to correct them.  It's too bad the living will not stand with Them, continue to play politics, and follow the human way.  It is very, very unfortunate.
The people of England should be in the streets of London protesting, saying "Accept The Kingdom Of God's Way!  Give us true peace!  End the ages of politics!"  But they will blindly follow their leaders into oblivion.  They will make the world a barren wasteland to have their way. It is a sad sad world.
The battle is set!  Saturday morning Victoria will lead the charge.  It is too bad the living will be standing against Them, when they should be praying for them.  God save The Queen!

FOOTNOTE: John Lennon's music isn't the only thing that Beatles & Friends are singing as they are preparing for the battle.  They're also singing the Little Texas song "Kick A Little," which seems to be quite appropriate for the circumstances.  John has not altered it in any way, they just sing it the way Little Texas sings it.  'Course they sound a little bit better!


 We've got a really strange phenomena going on here that's beginning to concern us.  We've never had a problem the four years we've lived here, but now all of a sudden the local birds of varying sizes keep flying into the outside of our trailer.  Apparently something we're doing is disorienting them.  Fortunately most of them just get stunned.  We've only had one casualty.  But it is certainly something that we wish would stop!  There's been half a dozen incidences in the last few days.  I heard a tremendous thump on the roof the other morning when I got up, went to the curtain, opened it, and there was a blackbird or a crow, hopping up and down on our porch, mad as anything, and another one in the dooryard!  Apparently they had had a mid air collision, landed on our roof and then flopped off.  Before that Linda had a poor little sparrow hit the window and die.  Whatever is causing this we wish it would go away.  There was a dead robin in our driveway the other morning.  We kind of like having our feathered friends flying around here, and we don't want to do them any harm.

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