May 2, 2,003
Partial Mag

Not much new in The Afterlife today.  Jesus is consolidating His operations against Blair, and Lord Peter is going after Bush.  Some unhappy people over There!  Now They're trying to make it so The United States never finds any of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction..not that they're not there hidden away, but They just want them to stay hidden for awhile, anything to irritate Bush and to make The United States' policies questionable.  They just love to irritate!
Most of the next magazine is up. Here's the address.  We'll be adding some special articles in the next few days.  Just not enough time or energy.  So check back in a week or so for the additions.

The Declaration Of War against Britain is on page 62.  Check it out.

Flea Eaters

A friend of ours recently had lice, and the subject came up how did Our Ancestors deal with this problem on The Old Worlds? Well, The Hashons didn't have hair, they didn't have a problem with lice, they had a thing they would put under their hats, a little box that had sticky stuff in it, that the lice were attracted to.  They'd go right in and get stuck, and that was the end of them!  The Peepians developed chemical measures much like what is used on Earth.  But The Havens, my people, had a totally different way of getting rid of the little sucking pests.  We had a lice and flea predator.  I couldn't begin to pronounce the name, but it simply meant "flea eater".  Colonies of them would live in barns and keep the domestic animals free of fleas and lice.  If people got lice, they'd simply put a colony of the animals in their bedroom and two days later they'd be completely louse and egg free!  Then, they'd simply take the flea eaters back to the barn.  It sounds gross, but it worked, and was even used in the times when we had starships!  They were handy little buggers, and hungry, too!

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