May 29, 2,003
Getting Nastier

The Kingdom Of God continues to fight back against Bush's betrayal.  Those haunting The White House are being changed.  They will no longer be victims of Hussein's cruelty, that are attacking those living and working in The White House, but Israelis who have died at the hands of The Palestinians who will be haunting The White House and attacking those that work there with everything They have, no holds barred!  They will be throwing at them all Their pain, all Their anguish, all Their hate.  They will not give them a moment's peace.  They will either turn them to Their cause, or They will destroy them.  They will show no mercy, no compassion, no pity, whatsoever.  It is now a fight for survival, a fight for existence, and the Souls of Israel intend to win.  The Palestinians don't intend to be left out either.  They're going to haunt Air Force One!  Every time the President and his party gets on it They will be bombarding them with everything They have, because They want Their people to survive, too.  So, things are going to continue to be uncomfortable for Bush and associates.
Was watching a film on PBS last night about how Jewish prisoners of war in the American army were treated by the Nazis in World War Two.  In the film it was mentioned how an SS officer tortured thirteen and fourteen year old boys every day to amuse himself, and often murdered them.  We got the question "What happened to this officer after he died?"  The answer is he suffered the second death almost moments after entering The Afterlife.  Virtually all SS officers who served in the concentration camps or the labor camps suffered the second death almost instantly after entering The Afterlife.  Only a tiny handful who repented what they had done before they died and admitted that it was  wrong survived, and are teaching others in The Afterlife that hate and cruelty are wrong and only lead to destruction.  These men had tremendous power in their lifetime, they escaped human justice.  Many lived out their lives thinking they would actually enter into The Kingdom Of God and live forever.  They got a nasty surprise!  A lot of people are going to be getting nasty surprises!
Muhammed and his grandson called on Earth Hussein, still want me to go to Iraq and sit in judgment on the members of The Baath Party and Hussein's regime.  I keep telling Them it's impossible, and They keep answering "Nothing we ask is impossible!"
Got a question I suppose we have to answer.  Someone asked "Do you hate homosexuals so much because you were sexually molested in prison or, when you were a child?"  The answer is no.  Several of those in prison tried and wished they hadn't.  They were so afraid I was going to kill a homosexual before I got out of prison because one of them had said I was going to be his lover or die, I had my own personal guard the last three months I was in prison every time I went to the yard because they didn't want this idiot ending up dead.  As for my childhood, there was one serious attempt by an individual to sexually molest me.  I discouraged that by hitting him in the face three times with a ball ping hammer seriously discouraging his interest.  No, I have never been molested, just constantly irritated all my life by perverts who do not understand that I am not interested in their sickness, and do not understand what the word no means.  I don't actually hate homosexuals, I pity them.  They are poor, sick, lost souls.

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