June 10, 2,003
Perversion Abounds

Not much new in The Afterlife. The only thing I can report this morning is that the Los Angeles dead zone definitely seems to be working.  Because of the degenerate behavior displayed at The Tony Awards, they were not rebroadcast anywhere in the Afterlife, not just The Kingdom Of God, but the entire Afterlife refused to show this disgusting open display of sexual perversion.  It is a sad state when human beings have degraded to such a level that they openly allow the display of this sickness on a major awards show.  Lord Peter assured everyone that those responsible for its production would not enter into The Kingdom Of God, for they have corrupted children and led children to accept their sickness.   They will not share Paradise with the good and the decent.  A very strong rebuke!
On other matters, Linda's made a new banner for her chat room and everybody loves it, and have asked to share it.  Linda has made a page with the banner and if anybody wants to copy it and put it on their web site they're perfectly welcome to as long as they tell where it comes from.  The banner says "Elvis Is The King, But John Lennon Is The Apostle!"  All the information on John's rise to his Apostleship is in the back issues of our magazine beginning with


People miss the special pages we had for this, but John does not want us to give the information in this way.  He wants people to see the other things that were going on at the same time that forced him to come out of his isolation and fight to save The Kingdom Of God.

Here's the address for the banners.

(This page no longer available.)

One final thing.  People have been asking "Is the bus company still insulting Ringo?"  Sadly, yes.  We sent out emails to North Dakota newspapers yesterday, and a couple on the east and the west coast trying to make people aware of the situation and hopefully getting something done about it.  Everybody I point it out to finds it disgusting and wonders why something hasn't been done.  Maybe if somebody starts telling about it they'll remove the damned thing.

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Recycling On The Old Worlds

Got one of those silly comments the other day that really makes you wonder.  Somebody said "I bet with the advanced technologies you had on The Old Worlds you didn't worry much about recycling."  Well, actually, the absolute reverse was true.  The more technically advanced our societies got the more important it became not to waste vital resources.  Many isolated worlds had to use valuable materials over and over again.  Of course with our transport technology it was much easier for us to salvage needed materials; plastics, metals and wood could be easily separated out in the transport process, and remolded into anything we wanted.  Can you imagine taking a pile of sawdust, feeding it into a transport device, then sending it into molds, taking solid wood out of the molds, and assembling it into furniture, a commonly used technology when manufacturing items for the lower classes on Haven? Nothing was wasted!  Everything was reused.  Some of the components in things owned by the common people may have been thousands of years old!  The Old Worlds definitely recycled.

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