July 30, 2,003
Jesus Makes Things Clear

In reviewing the list of nations that support homosexuality we find something very strange.  They are the same nations that oppose the war to remove Saddam Hussein from power, and to end the horror in Iraq!  Do not the people of the world see the connection of evil here, that those people that support homosexuality also support cruel and evil dictators that suppress and terrorize their people?  Why is it the leaders of nations that support such evil also support homosexuality?  Because homosexuality is evil, is part of their corruption, part of the sickness that permeates them, that makes them a threat to all that exist.
Jesus is calling for a boycott against all those nations that support homosexuality, and even parts of nations.  Any nation that supports this abomination, that says that homosexual marriage is legal, no Christian should buy anything from those countries, and they should encourage their neighbors not to buy from those countries, provinces, or states.  The most effective weapon the Christian has against those who do evil for profit is to take away that profit.  If it is more profitable for them not to do evil they will not do it, because all that matters to them is their material wealth.  So do not buy products from, or travel to any of the countries, states, or provinces listed below.

Countries- The Netherlands, Germany, France, Sweden, Denmark
Provinces- Ontario, British Columbia
States- Massachusetts, Vermont

Join the struggle, attack evil where it is  most vulnerable, in its wallet.
Jesus again orders, He does not ask, He ORDERS all who follow Him to leave immediately any church that supports homosexuality, that says it is acceptable, that performs homosexual marriages, that has homosexual clergy.  No homosexual can represent God, they are evil, defiled, and perverted.  They will not lead souls to salvation, but to damnation, and any that follow them are doomed.
There is no middle ground!  No matter how much good a homosexual does, no matter how much they are praised, their homosexuality makes them unacceptable to God and makes all that they do evil.  No concessions can be made.  Homosexuality cannot be accepted under any circumstances.  "If you follow me," Jesus says, "you forsake homosexuality.  If you do not forsake homosexuality, you do not follow me.  It is that simple that plain, that direct, that unquestionable."
So, who is it you will follow, the homosexuals or Jesus?  Will you enter into damnation, or will you enter into salvation?  Will you live forever, or, die forever?  Not even Jesus can make the choice for you.  He can lead you to salvation, He gave His blood for you, He gave His life for you, but if you will not follow Him, there is nothing He can do for  you.  His power to save is limitless, but the person must want to be saved, for that limitless power to come to them.  This is the moment you must choose.
Jesus called The Pope's personal Angelic Messenger to Him yesterday, and personally praised her (Yes, it's a her!) for her efforts to get The Pope to speak out forcibly on homosexual marriage, and to clearly condemn it.  The Kingdom Of God considers this a considerable victory.  Wouldn't you like to have Jesus praising your Angelic Messenger, too, telling him or her that They have done an incredible job?
Jesus also repeats His call for Premier Ralph Klein to be His Apostle in Canada, to lead the struggle against the homosexual movement there, and save the children of Canada.  He again offers him all of The Kingdom Of God's power in this effort, to stand behind him personally, and support his work in this cause.  Jesus really wants this person.  He asks the people of Canada to speak up and ask Mr. Klein to accept the position that Jesus offers him.  There are also twelve Discipleships available for Canada, one for each province.  Jesus asks the people of Canada to speak up and tell Him who they think should assist Mr. Klein in each province, who should help him in this effort to defeat evil.  Jesus is still calling for His general strike September 1st, asking the people of Canada to rally to Him, and wonders why no one has responded when the people of Calgary have so willingly received the power He has given.  Where are the faithful?


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