September 15, 2,003
Canadian Spirits Sorrow

September 12, 2,003

Canadians in The Afterlife bitterly disappointed.  For weeks They have been trying to get Jesus to give permission to open the spiritual dead zones that cover Ottawa and Toronto. The suffering of the recently departed there is terrible!  The only worst dead zone is Rome in Italy.  But yesterday Global TV, Maritimes, emailed and asked to be removed from our mailing list.  The usual reply was sent that they had been but all that was connected with them were also removed from The Book Of Life.  But Jesus also sent a message to the Canadians in The Afterlife not to ask Him to open the dead zones again until those in Canada start listening to The Angelic Messengers and responding to His messages.
"They are taking God's power," Jesus complains, "they are being filled with His Glory, but they still stubbornly cling to the ways of man and will not hear God's Messengers, and do God's will. Until they do I will consider no compassion for them."  So perhaps one person who has rejected God has caused thousands to continue suffering, have turned away the compassion of The Son Of God.  How sad will be these peoples' entry into Eternity.  Their stay in The Afterlife will be a very short one.

September 13, 2,003

So sad to hear that Johnny Cash died.  Thank goodness he didn't die in one of the spiritual dead zones!  He was always one of my heroes from the time I was a young man, and I always dreamed of writing a song that he would sing.  Many years ago I wrote one, and even sent it to him.  It was called "Fire In The Hole!"  The lyrics are at


But unlike John Lennon's my songs are terrible!  I have never quite been able to straighten out the lyrics.  Of course I got the usual polite reply from Mr. Cash's secretary that he appreciated the effort but he got so many possible songs he couldn't use them all.  Year by year my childhood dreams are fading away.  That beautiful voice that inspired so many will never sing anything of mine...not in this world, anyway.  But I got a feeling he'll like John's new music.  I think a lot of it would fit his style.  When he gets adjusted I'd love to have him do "Stand Up!" with Beatles & Friends.  I'm sure he would be welcomed!  After all, his wife often does the breaks for them when they perform in the area of The Afterlife where the Americans are being held that can't enter into The Kingdom Of God because of Jesus' Edict, and I'm sure Johnny will join right in.  She often performs with another one of our favorite groups in The Afterlife, Bach, Beethoven & Brahams Plus One.
Jesus very upset that The United States is objecting to Israel's expulsion of Arafat.  Here is an open terrorist who is responsible for thousands of murders.  He should have been put out long ago, or arrested, tried, and executed.  That he has been allowed to remain in power is a travesty!

September 14, 2,003

Democrats in California are getting desperate!  They've called in The Anti Christ!  The creature of Darkness, Bill Clinton has arrived to bolster Davis' campaign.  The people of California should be cringing.  That this foul creature is endorsing Davis should end all support of him.  A man who has no conception of the truth, whatsoever, is someone whose endorsement you don't really want!  It is now a personal battle between Jesus and Clinton, between goodness and truth, and evil and lies.  The Son Of God continues to endorse Arnold Schwarzenegger.  Every day The Angelic Messengers are telling every eligible voter "Vote out Davis!  Vote in Arnold!"  We will have to see if The Anti Christ still has his power, if he can still destroy the good.
News crew came over from the local t.v. station KVLY TV 11 and shot a segment with us.  I won't be able to stay up and watch it, it'll be on the 10 o'clock news.  Linda's going to record it and let me know in the morning how it turned out.  They seemed like very nice people.

September 15, 2,003

Linda says news story was great!  Haven't got a chance to look at it yet.  Will tonight after work.

    Sonar On The Old Worlds

Reading the horrible stories about sonar killing whales and dolphins during naval training exercises we have been asked if this problem existed on The Old Worlds.
Well, actually, not!  Submarines never developed as an effective weapon on any of The Old Worlds, so sonar never came into play.  It was simply unnecessary.  The nature of The Old Worlds' oceans made submarine warfare very impractical.  So the technology just never developed.  It is so strange how one thing  that is a major component of one world's history will be virtually unknown on other worlds!  But this is the nature of things.

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