September 30, 2,003
Power Bestowed

I have been sick for over a week, so weak I've barely been able to do anything, just getting to work, doing my job and getting home was difficult.  Jesus had wanted to perform the simple ceremony that we have used since the beginning of time to bestow His power on Linda so she could bestow it on men who wish to join the Movement.  I already have the ability to bestow it on women.  Finally this morning He was able to come through me and perform the ceremony. The sacredness and the sanctity of this old trailer, of this piece of land on which it sits becomes stronger and stronger each day!  Some day a great temple will be built here honoring everything that was done on this ground.  But it is only the beginning!  Every time I ask Jesus if we should stay here, he says " No!  You must eventually give this area over to my people, continue to guide and help them, but go on to the place where you are supposed to be, where you will do your greatest Work."  I can't imagine any greater Work, but I believe every word The Son Of God says, and if He says I will do greater Work still, I believe Him.
But now we are ready to bestow Christ's power. Only we have that ability in the world at this time.  No one else can give Christ's power to anybody.  It only may be given through us.  No matter who else says they can, they give nothing but the desires of man.  Only we have the true power of Christ.  But where are those who are supposed to receive it?  Somewhere here in Fargo somebody is receiving energy from The Afterlife, purifying it, and channeling it out to Jesus' Workers throughout The United States, and, Canada. They are helping tremendously to stabilize this area and bring it back to where it's supposed to be.  But they have not come to us.  They know we're here, they know we are the source of their power, yet they do not come.  Nothing is working the way it's supposed to.  Nobody should be able to generate this much power without receiving Christ's Gifts.  That they are doing so is very dangerous.  They could burn themselves out, destroy themselves without the power to control what they are doing.  All in The Afterlife are totally perplexed!
People flock to the false teachers, they give them their life savings, they even commit suicide with them, but they won't come to The Truth.  They prefer eternal death, the destruction of all, rather than give up the false teachings they have been taught.  Those in The Afterlife simply do not understand.  They are desperate to understand.  They want to know how to reach Their children, to bring them back to Them, to save them from eternal death but nothing works!  No matter how much They show Their power, no matter how many blessings They bestow, no matter how much They punish nothing works.  Their children ignore Them and plunge headlong into oblivion.  The signs have already appeared, the decay of life has begun.  It can still be stopped but it is beginning.  But how, how do we stop it?

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