October 13, 2,003
Muhammed Says "Let Me At Them!"

Some exciting news from The Kingdom Of God!  After the celebrations over the victory in California with the election of Arnold and the trouncing of The Democrats, Muhammed came to Jesus.  "Lord Of Heaven," he declared, "I am very upset with what is happening in Iraq.  My peoples ingratitude towards their saviors is unacceptable and I am extremely angry that those who destroyed my jewels, my little treasures, have not been tried and punished for their crimes.  They either sit in prison living in relative comfort, or still walk the streets boasting at what they have done, and encouraging the people to do more evil.  I ask, Lord Of Heaven, that you lift the spiritual dead zones in Iraq for one month, thirty days, and allow me and my forces free reign in Iraq to do as We will for the Americans, and against those that rise against them.  After all, President Bush has supported Israel in the defense of Its people.  I ask you, Lord Of Heaven, also to reach outside of Iraq against those that are working against Israel, to be able to temporarily shut down the spiritual dead zones in The Middle East when I feel it necessary to send my Forces in to act.  Will you grant me this power, Lord Of Heaven?"
Jesus thought for about a moment, then answered "That that you wish, true and faithful servant of God, that you may do.  All The Hosts Of Heaven are at your disposal.  I, too, wonder why the murderers of your innocents have not yet been brought to justice, why they have not yet stood here in judgment of their immortal souls.  You have from the 13th of this month to the 13th of next month to see what you can accomplish.  God be with you!"
Muhammed thanked Jesus and has gone off to gather his Forces.  This is going to be interesting!  For thirty days the American troops in Iraq will have the support of The Kingdom Of God, something they have not had since they arrived there!  Let's see what old Muhammed can do.  He's gonna have plenty of help!

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