October 14, 2,003
Jesus Takes Action

Linda was asked yesterday what Babe Ruth thinks of The Cubs chances in The World Series.  Ruth's answer was "The Cubs?  Who in the hell are The Cubs?  Do they play baseball?  I thought Marlins were a fish.  The only ones I care about are The Yankees.  They're the only ones I pay any attention to, or route for.  When they're out of it I could care less!  Marlins!  What are they gonna call a baseball team next, The Gophers?  What have Marlins got to do with baseball?  Why didn't they call them The Miamians, or The Flordidians or something like that?  Why did they name them after a fish?"  I really think Mr. Ruth is being funny.
Linda's got the victory song The Kingdom Of God sang for the California election.  It's rather a slow piece.  It's meant to be sung by a whole crowd of people swaying back and forth to the music.  You would have to see how it was done in The Kingdom Of God to understand what I'm talking about.  But Everybody over There is singing it constantly, as usual, or, playing it as a live recording was made when it was done with The Angelic Choir.  Anyways, here's the lyrics.  The audio can be found at


By; John Lennon
Channeled Through;  Linda J. Polley
All rights reserved.

Good-bye Davis!
You sure had a lot of mouth!
Good-bye Davis!
'Cause now you're headin' south!
Good-bye Davis!
Watch out for the angry mobs!
Good-bye Davis!
It looks like you're out of a job!

1.  You thought the people loved you,
and that you were the one.
But everyone loves Arnold,
now I'm afraid your work here is done.

2.  You messed up big time, Davis,
now Arnold's the California Gov.!
God sent us down His Angels,
and the people knew who Heaven  loved!

3. Of all the people running
God knew that Arnold was the best!
You had your time there, Davis,
but your honesty has failed the test!

4.  Bustamante thought he'd get in,
he really thought he had a share!
But the casinos and the women made him lose,
he didn't really have a prayer!

5.  Now Arnold 's the Governor,
and Heaven It is doing well!
California listened to the Angels,
told The Democrats to go to Hell!
(Repeat Chorus To End.)

Jesus is going full tilt with The Anglicans.  He is visiting every Anglican leader He can that supports separation from any church that has accepted homosexual leadership. He is spending fifteen minutes with each one.  Perhaps that doesn't seem like much, but receiving direct counsel from The Son Of God for fifteen minutes a day is considered quite an honor by Those in The Kingdom Of God.   In these visits Jesus is making two things quite definite.  There should be no acceptance of homosexuality, whatsoever, no compromise.  Either these churches stop supporting homosexuality, or, The Anglicans separate from them.  Secondly, there is to be no contact with homosexuals or their supporters whatsoever.  People that associate with them should be put out of The Anglican Church.  It is useless to argue with homosexuals, it is useless to meet with them, as there is no compromise, no acceptance.  What they do cannot be permitted in any way.  Jesus is standing fast and won't budge!
The Kingdom Of God is really angry that Gov. Davis' last act in California was to legalize medical benefits for gay couples.  It shows how perverted and sick his administration was.  Their last act of defiance against God.  It will be answered!
Jesus wanted me to make mention of another little problem, also.  We were recently viciously attacked on an Irish radio station because we oppose homosexuality.  Jesus has ordered that in retaliation all effort now be made to expose what Catholic priests are doing to children in Ireland, as it was exposed in The United States...not only priests, but any other members of the clergy in Ireland that are using their positions to sodomize children.  But a special effort will be made against the Catholic clergy who permit this obscenity in the name of the sanctity of their church.  Jesus sends a warning to all.  When we are attacked those attacks will be answered without pity or compassion, just as when we are helped those that help will be blessed.  There will be no more hesitation, no more holding back.  The Kingdom Of God's power is returning daily, They grow stronger by the hour, and They will use that power!
Got a request from a committee in The Afterlife to lift the spiritual dead zones in Saudi Arabia as The Saudis seem to be doing a great deal to fight terrorism and promote democracy.  This request was presented to Jesus and he said "No!  It will not be considered until The Saudis do two things....one, accept Israel's right to exist within its present borders, including all occupied territories.  And two, support Father Abraham's Proposal for a separate homeland for The Palestinians outside of Israel.  When The Saudis accept these two principles the spiritual dead zones will be lifted, but not until.  When they accept God's way, God will return His blessings to them, but as long as they won't He will not!

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