October 28, 2,003
Queen Diana Speaks

Yesterday's comments from Queen Diana shocked and upset many.  They want to know what is the one thing that her sons could do that would bring her eternal peace.  Queen Diana's response was instantaneous.  She did not have to think about it at all.  Her answer was:
"The one thing that my beloved sons could do for me that would bring me eternal comfort would be to abdicate from the throne, separate themselves from the royal family, and become just ordinary young men pursuing their lives, to have nothing to do any more the rest of their lives with the queen.  This would bring me unquestioned and absolute victory!  It would destroy the queen.  It would crush her.  It would end her royal line.  Nothing, absolutely nothing could be more devastating to her, and nothing would bring me more joy!  To have my sons forever free of her, forever free of her poison, forever free of her royal greed, forever free of her royal lust would be, for me, the most important thing in existence.  Her mother attacks me viciously for publicly stating this desire in The Afterlife.  She says I should be put out of Heaven for trying to destroy the glory of England by breaking the royal line of succession.  That she so attacks me proves how important my desire is.  If she is so frightened of it occuring then surely it is the most decent thing that can be done.
All who support me here support my desire and try to make my wishes known to my sons.  They are fine young men, they could be great men serving their country well.  But they would serve their country far better if they were not part of the royal farce, the royal joke, the royal insanity,  if they were only ordinary citizens.  Then they could be truly great men, and that is my desire for them."  That ends Queen Diana's comments.
Old Muhammed doing well in Baghdad.  Though he is allowing the Iraqis enemies to continue to attack them he has caused one of them to be captured, showing The Iraqis who their real enemy is, where those who are coming from that are murdering their people.  He is showing them that the Americans are not their enemies, but that Syria, Al Quaida and the fundamentalists are.  They are the ones that are killing their people, destroying their nation, and trying to destroy true Islam.  Many are listening to Muhammed's agents and beginning to turn on those that are their real enemies, beginning to see who their real enemies are.  Let us pray there are enough of them to rise up the people so that they say "Enough!" and go after their true enemies!
During the impromptu sing along of Beatles & Friends yesterday John Lennon wrote another song for our friends in The Caribbean that the crowd loved and is now being spread all over The Afterlife.  Unfortunately he used the music for another popular song, so we would never be able to record it.  But here's the lyrics.  At least we can share those with you.

By; John Lennon
Channeled Through Linda J. Polley
All rights reserved.

Come down to old St. Martin,
come down and stay a while!
We'll give to you a little sunshine,
give to you a smile.
You can watch the waves
climb higher and higher!
Soon we're going to set the world on fire!

Come down to old St. Martin,
come down and stay a while!
Come and hear The Son Of God,
He'll give to you a smile.
You can watch the watch the waves
climb higher and higher!
Soon we're going to set the world on fire!

Come down to old St. Martin,
come down and stay a while!
Come to where the glory's risin',
come and stay a while!
You can watch the waves
climb higher and higher!
Soon we're going to set the world on fire!

Come down to old St. Martin,
we'll give to you a smile!
Come down to where the truth is risin',
come down and stay a while.
You can watch the waves
climb higher and higher!
Soon we're going to set the world on fire!
Soon we're going to set the world on fire!

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