November 28, 2,003
God Curses Macy's, Jesus Blesses Bush

Well, things did not quite go as planned Thanksgiving Day in The Afterlife.  It all began when Linda mentioned that a transvestite, Harvey Fierstein, would be marching in the Thanksgiving Day Parade dressed as Mrs. Claus.  Rather amused after I went to sleep I sought out old St. Nicholas to give him the word.  Old Nick did not take it well!  He did not take it well, indeed!  He was in the midst of some very important things but immediately dropped them and asked me to accompany him to Jesus.  I did so.  St. Nicholas explained the situation to Jesus and Jesus became very irate.  "They're doing this," He cried, "and making publicity about it?  They're allowing this abomination?  I have promised the people of New York because of 9/11 I would do nothing there, but this, this is beyond bearing!  This is beyond all decency!  Summon The Twelve, summon my Apostles.  We must be about The Work Of God."
The Twelve were summoned and Jesus brought Them into the material world to stand in front of Macy's in New York. Jesus spoke to The Apostles and said "Combine your power with mine."  The Apostles raised Their hands as Jesus did, and Jesus put a curse on Macy's, in God The Father's name like none I've heard in many ages. I can't repeat all of it, it was very long, and very complex.  But in part Jesus said "Let all who enter here be filled with a pestilence.  Let their bowels rot within them.  Let all manner of foul thing befall them."  He is really REALLY mad!
He then went to the executives of Macy's and personally put a curse on all of them and even their children, saying that if they destroy the children of God, let the wrath of God be upon their children.  He returned to The Afterlife and said "There!  That takes care of that!"  Everybody was just totally shocked that Jesus was so terrible in His curse, that His anger was so great. At first Jesus wanted me to wake up Linda, type up what had happened, and send it out immediately.  But then He changed His mind.  "No," He said, "let it go through your normal channels.  Make no special effort.  Let them stew a while.  Let the curse set in before they summon the power of the dark ones to try to break it.  Give them no early warning."  So we waited to send the report of this out with our regular email.  I'm glad I don't have any investments in Macy's!  If I did have I'd be gettin' rid of them in a hurry, in a rapid hurry!
John Lennon, who of course now is one of Jesus' Twelve, reports that he is still shivering.  He could not believe the power flowing through him and was very glad he wasn't on the receiving end of it!
Got two more removals, two more Anglican congregations lost to Jesus forever because they have rejected His Word.  Njongonkulu Ndungane, Cape Town, South Africa,,   Gayle E. Harris, Massachusetts, . The message from Gayle E. Harris really enraged Jesus.  Her secretary, Suzette Phillips says; "SPAM??? Is there any way to get rid of this man. He sends many messages EVERY day."
First of all  Jesus says "My messages are NOT spam, they are The Word Of God given for the salvation of man!  No Christian organization can say they are unsolicited.  If they believe in me, if they believe in God.  I have a right to communicate with them.  If they reject that right they reject me, and they reject God.  My messages are not spam, and I do not send many messages a day.  The most we have ever sent in one day was two.  This person is not only a fool and a blasphemer, she is a liar who spreads deception about those doing God's Work, so she may love her sisters.  Her evil is the greatest among men because she knows what we're doing is true but her lust is so great she turns away the power of God from her people because she does not want to give up her perversion.  Her hell will be bitter beyond belief, her sorrowing the sorrowing of many who she has led to damnation.  God will not forgive!"
Jesus finished bringing all the American leaders of The Anglican Church who oppose homosexuality to The Afterlife Thanksgiving Day, and each was taken through The Holy Of Holies to commune with God and receive the message that we truly are His Servants, and doing the Work of His Son.  We cannot know if Jesus was successful unless some of those people contact us.  It is the prayer of Those in The Kingdom Of God every day that they do, and the Work of forming a new church is begun.
Got a rather sick question, but I suppose it has to be answered.  It went "If you have this proposed meeting in North Dakota to form a new Anglican Church putting out all who accept homosexuality will those in the church who support homosexuality be allowed to attend and express their feelings?"  The answer is no!  Positively and absolutely not!  There is nothing to be discussed, nothing to be argued.  The purpose of this gathering will be to reject homosexuality.  No homosexuals will be welcome, no one that teaches their poison will be allowed to speak, only those that reject their sickness are asked to come.  There would be no need of them and no place for them, as there is no place for them among The Righteous, or, in The Kingdom Of God.
We send our good wishes to Stephen King and hope he has a swift recovery from his pneumonia!  Still remember him stopping by our booths at the flea market. A gracious gentleman!
The wonders and unusualness of Thanksgiving Day seemed to never end!  A comittee of American military veterans came to Jesus and asked for permission to speak with Him.  He said "Most certainly!  What is it you desire?"  Their spokesman began, "Lord, we know you are at odds with President Bush because of Israel, and, that he and his wife would not accept the great power that you offered them. But we believe he has done a great and honorable thing, Lord, and we wish that you praise it.  While Hussein hides under a rock and sends his henchmen out to kill the helpless and the innocent to bring him back to power, President Bush has shown the honor and the courage of a true military leader. He has boldly gone into the midst of the battlefield, gone within reach of the enemy, and has praised those carrying on the battle, has honored them by presenting himself among them and sharing their danger.  And this, oh Lord, must be praised, even if you are at odds with him, even if he will not do everything that you ask.  We beg of you, Lord Of Heaven, our Light and our Salvation, to honor him that leads us, that leads our children in a just cause, honorably and well.  That is our petition, Lord Of Heaven and we thank you for hearing it."  Jesus stood and stared at the hopeful faces of those around him for several moments, then He smiled.
"Your loyalty," He answered, "to your Commander, your love for he that honorably leads you, lifts my spirits on this troubled day, in this dark hour of fornication and sin!  If you wish, so be it.  It is an honorable request.  I do send my praise to President Bush, I do recognize the honor and the courage of his actions.  I praise him and in this matter let man praise him, for if they do it shall be well and good with God The Father.  Go now.  Go back and tell your brothers and sisters that I approve your petition and what you requested is done."  The committee happily  gave their thanks to Jesus and quickly departed to carry out His instructions.  I've said it before, and I'll say it again, these are the strangest, strangest times!  Nothing, absolutely nothing has ever been seen like them before!  There is just nothing to compare with them.

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As we celebrate Thanksgiving the question comes up "Did The Old Worlds have anything to compare with it?"
Well, among The Havens there was a day of feasting to celebrate all the good things that The Lord God had given Them.  I suppose this would compare very much with Thanksgiving.  It was on the same general idea.
 The Hashons had The Festival Of The Journey, which was a celebration of the finding of Their land and, the end of Their long and arduous journey.  This would probably compare very much to Thanksgiving.
Before The Great Holocaust The Peepians had several Thanksgiving like holidays, but after The Holocaust these were all combined into The Day Of The Survivors, where everyone celebrated that members of their clan had survived the great tragedy and that Their Race had gone on.
I would say these were the holidays from The Old Worlds that would be comparable to Thanksgiving.  Of course for The Spiritists here on Earth, Halloween is our Thanksgiving, for it's when we celebrate Our People's arrival here, and the end of our long and arduous journey.  Yes, I think there was a lot to compare to Thanksgiving.

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Where we have been discussing holidays on The Old Worlds, the question of Memorial Day or, Veterans Day came up.  Did Those on The Old Worlds have a holiday to honor Those who had fallen in battle in the defense of Their country?
Every single one!  This is a common holiday to all The Old Worlds.  Every one of Them had a Day Of Appreciation for Their military veterans when Those who had died in battle were remembered, and living soldiers honored for their service.
The Havens, being a military people, especially celebrated this holiday.  It was called The Day Of God's Heroes, and any family that had had a military hero, even many generations back, was publicly honored, and that hero's actions publicly praised.
The Hashons had a very similar holiday, when the people went out to the graves of fallen military heroes, decorated them with flowers and flags and sang hymns of praise in the cemetaries, and had parades and banquets, very similar to celebrations on Earth!
The Peepians, too, had almost identical celebrations.  The love and respect of Those who had given Their all in the defense of Their people seems to be universal, a part of every race, as it should be!

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